Chapter Thirteen

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"Where were you?" My mother screamed and her voice echoed throughout our penthouse. I raised my hands to my ears to cover them. My father's fork clanged against his plate.

"At work. Adelle, as you can see, I just got back from work and I'm most definitely not in the mood for your antics tonight!" My dad answered through a scowl, his blue eyes angry and my belly started to feel unsettled.

They were going to fight again. They always fought. It always started with mommy saying something that got daddy angry then he would curse her very badly or say extremely hurtful things to her that would make her cry and then she would hit him equally as badly. Sometimes with her hands, sometimes with random house objects and sometimes with something dangerous like a knife or a pair of scissors.

My father never hit her back. Never that I saw but he said the worst things to her and my mom had the worst temper. She was very violent.

"You are lying! You must really think that I am stupid!" She fired back, coming closer until she stood over the dining table on the other side. Her blonde hair was wild and her black eyes were blood red.

My dad looked up at the ceiling. "By the moon, what did I ever do in my life to deserve such a useless excuse for a mate?" His blue eyes met hers now. "Adelle, you are mentally deranged. If you're not careful, I'll send you to an asylum and you'll never see Rochelle again. Anyway, I think she'll be better off without a mess like you in her life,"

I started to cry, very scared of what was happening before my eyes. Daddy wanted to take away mommy from me. My whole body convulsed.

"You've fucked every female that has legs in this pack but you call me the deranged one?" My mom screamed the words out as she angled the knife from far away at my father. "for ten years, I have been with you and continuously swallowed the humiliation of being your mate as you constantly cheat on me every fucking time you get a chance to but why? Tell me why Jon did you have to fuck my best friend too? Why? Of all the girls in this pack, why her?"

My mother's whole body started to shake and her tone began to change. It went from being angry to sounding like she's about to burst into tears. I kept crying.

"Have I not been a good mate to you? Wife to you? Mother to our daughter?"

"Good?" My father shouted back at her, and stood up suddenly. "Just look at yourself, Adelle. You're crazy. Always on my neck. Why do you even have a knife in your hands?"

"You're not even going to deny cheating on me with my best friend, Jon?"

"What's the point, Adelle? You're nuts. I still curse the day that I laid eyes on you and was bewitched by this bond. I can't stand you. You make me want to hang myself and if the only peace I can get in my life is a few minutes of pleasure that another female who isn't psychotic like you can give me then without a doubt, I'll take it. That's the only way I even get the energy to even deal with you and all your shit. Being married to you has been nothing short of a never-ending hell,"

"So why are you still with me then?" Her scream was muffled through tears and I cried harder begging my parents to stop it but both of them ignored me outrightly. I never stopped crying.

My father pointed directly at me.

"She. Rochelle. My princess, Rochelle is the only reason I didn't divorce you the day after I married you. Sometimes, I wish she didn't exist so I could leave you but she's here and she's my princess and I love her," my mother's eyes found mine in a moment of complete silence. The tears that ran down them were urgent and furious. Her black eyes darkened further, taking on a hue that was reminiscent of a dark never-ending tunnel.

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