Chapter Four

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"What?" I scream out, unable to comprehend what Nessa just revealed.

"According to the legend," she starts but I interrupt her.

"It's just a legend, right? So why are you taking it so literally?"

"Before I became a witch, I used to be an understudy for the witches," Nessa's face crumpled up in disgust instantly. "It was a horrible part of my life that I hate to remember but at that time, the only peace I knew was reading. You may not know this but in the Blackwood pack, my original pack, also known as the witch pack, there is a huge underground library with hidden texts, scrolls and spells. It's very vast and ancient and I basically lived down there,"

"One day, I found the scrolls for the account of the original indoctrination of the Alpha system. The power came from a moonstone given by the moon to a very powerful witch and its power was split amongst three brothers. Each brother had one part of the moonstone. Two of these brothers died during the indoctrination but only one survived, Enzo's ancestor - Zyan. He was the original Alpha and the only one the moon trusted to represent her. She kissed him that day and he was gifted with incredible powers and wisdom,"

"The stone that turned Zyan into an Alpha turned blue after being kissed by the moon. Zyan's brothers perished instantly and in their wake were the two other moonstones which were in their original state - white. Zyan realised he could not lead the whole werewolf world alone because there was a lot of diversity and too many wolves so he realised that other Alphas were also needed to lead certain portions with similar customs or as we call it today; packs. To do this, indoctrination also had to occur but Zyan was selfish. He didn't want any other Alpha to rival him for the moon's affection and so he refused to give his blue moonstone to the witches in order to indoctrinate other Alphas,"

"The witches tried several times to indoctrinate new Alphas with the other two regular moonstones but every Alpha died. They perished instantly. To solve this problem, Zyan agreed to transfer some of the power from his blue moonstone into the regular ones. Not too much, just enough. After this was done, the indoctrination was successful and so the witches held on to the other two moonstones but Zyan refused to hand his over. Fearing the wrath of Zyan and the moon, the witches let Zyan keep the stone. It has remained in his family since then,"

I stare at Nessa wide-eyed, completely mindblown. They don't tell us these kinds of stories in my pack or in school. It sounds outrageous to me, if anything but from the way Nessa's silver eyes come to light, I understand that she believes in this myth a hundred per cent. I can't tell if Logan also actually believes this or if he's just led by his never-ending greed.

"If the stone is destroyed," Nessa continues, coming closer to me. "the source of the Alphas' powers will all be gone. They would not be any more special than you or me. Their children won't have that stupid Alpha blood and privilege running through their veins," she takes my braid in her hand when she says, "they will be just like us,"

"So you guys plan to blow up the whole Alpha system?" I gasp, my mouth hanging open like I've just been hit with a bolt of electricity. They nod. "That's evil!" I exclaim.

Logan only grins.

"It's unnatural!" I argue, my mind still unable to come to terms with the concept of a world without Alphas, a world without leadership.

Nessa ran her fingers over my long braid. "Imagine if Kai wasn't an Alpha. If he didn't have that dominating Alpha wolf making everyone bow to him in fear. Would you need to run away from him?"

I thought about it. She had a point. Alpha Kai and all other Alphas are only all-powerful because of their Alpha wolves. I would love to see them thrive in the normal world like all of us. A world where they didn't get special rights or couldn't shred others to pieces without their opponent having a fighting chance. Even within the Assassins', being good is earned. It takes a lot of training. It is just not inborn so why do these Alphas have it so easy because of their insane wolves that demand respect?

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