Chapter Fifty Two

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Eight Months Later...

"Rochelle, you should let my brother take you out on a date. He saw your photo and is really smitten by you," Daisy told me as I took a seat next to her during my coffee break.

"I don't know," I laughed in response, not knowing how to politely reject her attempts at matchmaking me and her brother.

"C'mon," she poked me in the arm and I added a cube of sugar to my coffee. "You're too beautiful to be single,"

I kept laughing. I got that alot. All everyone cared about was my relationship status which was virtually non-existent. I had had enough of men for a lifetime; both of their body parts as well as their affections.

"Give my brother a chance. Just one date. Maybe, you might click. You never know," Daisy insisted and I sipped on my coffee. She took out her phone from her purse and slid it over to me. "Have a look at his photo. He's handsome. You both would make gorgeous children together,"

I looked over at her phone. Indeed, her brother was very attractive. Her had glistening blue eyes like me and black hair that fell over his forehead in waves. He had a coy smile as he seemed to be pulling his turtleneck closer to his face.

"How is someone that looks like this in a pack like this single?" I questioned.

This was the pack of romantics. Everyone was either in a relationship, cheating on their partner or about to get into a relationship. Un-attached individuals didn't exist. The man was just too stunning even by my standards.

"His girlfriend cheated on him then dumped him. I never liked her. Anyway," she pulled her phone away from me. "He hasn't seen anyone since her and I thought you two would get along so I showed him your picture. He thinks you're lovely and I couldn't agree more,"

"What's his name?" I asked.


I didn't say anything to Daisy. I only finished my coffee and then I stuffed the cup in the bin.

"I'll give him your number. He'll call you and take you to the theatre and that's final," Daisy pecked me on the cheek and then rushed away before I could object. I just stood there confused. That woman was always so eccentric, it googled my mind.

I went back into my classroom which was filled with kids ages six through twelve. I was a music teacher and I specialised in the harp.

"Settle down everyone," I said as I walked to my harp. There were seven students in my class today. "Let's rehearse,"

They all sat by their harp and I pushed my hair past my shoulders, trying to avoid the unavoidable forward spillage.

"Becky, please show me how much you've practiced," Becky, my nine year old student's cheeks went red as she sat up straighter and positioned her hands over the harp. "Remember to relax your fingers just enough. Don't tense them too much,"

"Yes Miss," Becky started to play and her notes were okay. Some were messy but a few came out beautifully. When she was done, I clapped for her and so did her peers.

"You've improved so much, Becky," I praised her and the little girl smiled so proudly. "Great job!"

Everyone was clapping when my supervisor came in. He had a boy who looked to be about six years old with him.

"Rochelle, sorry to interrupt your class. You have a new student," my supervisor said and I smiled and waved at the little boy. He was with his mom and clutching firmly to her hands.

"Why, hello there," I greeted him and he smiled shyly up at me. "You can take a seat next to Luke,"

The boy's mother took him to his seat as she explained that he had never played an instrument before. She had a feeling that he would be a good harpist and she brought him here on gut instinct. I went towards them to try and teach him and her how to correctly position a harp against himself. His mother kept telling me how introverted her son was and how she hoped that these lessons would help him make some friends. This was a common trend among parents. They always worried about their kids making friends.

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