Chapter Seventeen

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I slammed the door angrily, wanting to punch a wall and I did. I screamed out when I bruised my knuckle and jumped into bed. This was impossible. I was slapped! I, Raven, was slapped and that guy has the gall to tell me that it was none of my business! How dare he?

Really, how dare he?

I threw my mary jane shoes at the wall, overcome by anger and an overwhelming need to take revenge. I don't know how long it will take but I won't leave this pack until I have that old lady begging at my feet asking me to forgive her. Bitch! How dare she not only slap me but also say the most humiliating things in front of everyone? I mean she was right but still!

Now, she basically just raised suspicion. Moon knows what the fuck she says about me in their hybrid ass language.

Outsider girl? Really?

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed into the pillow as I kicked my hands and feet against the bed.

I was done with this shit hole of a pack which had rules upon rules upon rules and the oddest way of life imaginable! Not to mention the nuts language and Alpha who doesn't appreciate my feminism. I think I might be too forward-thinking for this pack! I mean a girl was being beaten and everyone was mute for crying out loud!

I miss my pack! I can't even remember the last time I had a proper drink! Ugh! I'd kill for a cosmo or some vodka right now. I'd really kill for one at this moment.

"Stop wallowing in your disgrace and get to work," the voice I heard had me falling off my bed in surprise as I jumped violently.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed then stood up to see if I was dreaming.

I wasn't.

"Nessa?" I questioned, unimpressed and her silver eyes glowed as powerfully as the moon. A cloud followed her, trailing behind her like the most intimidating shadow I've ever seen and I gulped.

"I would say in the flesh but that wouldn't be exactly true," she responded, turning towards me.

"But how can-" I start but she cuts me off.

"The full moon is the only time I can contact you in this pack without having that annoying Enzo sense me," she scoffed and I sat on the bed again but I made sure I was away from her. She crossed her legs, dressed in black from head to toe - a true witch. "You know, it's also the only time when a witch is at her most powerful. Powerful enough to cast a spell strong enough to prevent him from noticing that witchcraft is being used in his pack,"

I narrow my eyes. That explains a lot because I remember Enzo saying that he was gifted with sensing witches and would know the minute one stepped foot onto his pack.

"So you knew?" is all I ask her as I shake my head in annoyance. "You knew that he could sense witches and witchcraft and you didn't deem it fit to tell me?"

She rolled her silver eyes at me. They matched her silver hair and earrings. "There are a lot of things you still don't know. Things you should be making effort to find out but instead, you're laying here and moping. How disgraceful! If only the Assassins could see their best one now,"

The way she mocked me had me clenching my hands and fisting the covers. She sat closer to me and her face was almost right in mine. I wanted to slap her.

I didn't dare.

Her eyes were narrowed at me when she asked, "what happened, Aoife? Weren't you the best? or is Enzo too tough for even you?"

I didn't answer her. To be honest, for the first time in my life, I felt like yes, a target was beyond me. I thought I was making progress. I genuinely thought that I was making progress. Slow progress but still, progress. We had good conversations, he gave me that pink rose and he even intervened when his godmother slapped me. He took me to his office and nursed my cheek all by himself where we then shared that moment only to have him spit the fact that his pack's business was none of my concern right in my face.

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