Chapter Thirty Nine

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A/N: Hello everyone, above is an illustration of the phases of the moon which you may need later on in this chapter. It's a reference.

I had sat on my bed waiting for hours before the voice which I knew was inevitable finally made itself known.

I went downstairs when I heard Enzo's voice. It had taken less time than I had expected it to for Enzo to realise that Tinley was gone.

The next few minutes would be critical.

When I came to Enzo's front room, it wasn't just me. It was basically the whole house. I found my place next to Erica. Leilani was huddled opposite me in the makeshift circle that had formed next to Indigo and Fleur. Indigo's eyes looked blood red and her hair was in a brutal state. Ronan stood at the very edge of the circle, away from everyone making it obvious that he just didn't want to be here. Willow was next to the maids while their Godmother and Indigo's Godfather were huddled together in a corner.

Enzo was at the centre of it all. Enzo was angry. Enzo was furious. It scared the life out of me.

There was silence and I realised that everyone was communicating using their link. I couldn't hear anything and it freaked me out even more because I wasn't sure what exactly was going on. What if he knew? I forced myself to remain composed.

When Enzo looked at me, my features were still. His wasn't. I didn't falter.

"Aoife, have you seen Tinley?" Enzo asked me, his gaze hard against mine. Something tickled my spine. I shook my head.

"I saw her at the party," was my response. "Why? Where is she?"

"Have you seen her after the party?" Enzo pressed further. I shook my head again, making sure not to avoid his eyes. I needed to sell this lie.

"The last time I saw Tinley, she was with Leilani. They were coming back into the mansion together," Leilani's head snapped up quickly. Heads turned towards her. Enzo's eyes didn't leave mine. I continued. "But when I came back inside after Indigo and Ronan's incident, Leilani wasn't with Tinley anymore. She was with Jude,"

Enzo's eyes narrowed at mine. Erica's gaze perked up to mine. Suddenly, all eyes were on me. Leilani's eyes bulged from opposite me.

"Leilani was with Jude?" Enzo repeated my words lowly. It made my blood run cold. Whatever I just said, Enzo did not like it. He didn't like it at all.

I nodded my head and shed more light onto my story. "Yes, they were talking in front of the dining hall during the party,"

Enzo turned away from me and towards Leilani. Her cheeks had gone red and her eyes were wary. Fear was written like a sign post on her forehead.

"You said that you hadn't seen Tinley but Aoife is saying that you were the last person with her," Enzo started as he walked towards Leilani. Indigo held her sister's hand.

"She was with me. Then she went upstairs-" Leilani started, her words all flustered and melted into each other.

"Then you went to Jude, in the middle of your own sister's party when everyone was outside celebrating," the accusation hung heavy in the air and when I looked at Erica, her features contorted. She was upset. Her skin twitched besides me. I didn't see Jude or Enys anywhere and I wondered why.

Enzo loomed over Leilani and Leilani took Indgo's arm but even Indigo was not brave enough to stand between the pair. She looked up at Enzo and then casted her eyes downwards, deciding to stay out of this.

"We were only talking, Enzo," Leilani's words came out hitched, like she was struggling to breathe.

"What did you and Jude have to talk about while your sister was being humiliated?" Enzo pressed on and his tone was so calm, it sent shivers through the whole room.

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