Chapter Sixteen

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My ears kept ringing, the scene replaying continuously in my mind, over and over again.

Enzo stood before me, his broad shoulders right in front of my face as he stood there holding the old lady's hand that was now clenched into an angry fist. The moment lingered endlessly and all I felt was the pressure of Willow's arms wrapped around my waist and Tinley against my arm.

Then Enzo pushed the old lady's arm away. I couldn't see her as Enzo had shielded my vision but I was dying to see the look on her face, the anger.

Then, I made myself cry.

My tears flowed down like a river on instinct. Yes, my cheek stung but the crying was more from my willpower than the actual sting. I sniffed and Enzo turned.

His eyes were wide and then he zoned in on my face, his lips clamping together as I watched his eyes soften, a light glaze to them. I look up at him with shaky lips, blinking profusely as tears keep streaming down my face.

Enzo turns away from me.

"Get away from that outsider girl!" The old lady screamed. A shrill scream that engulfed the house in an instant and I continued to cry, not knowing what else to do. This lady was too much and she was really strong which I really didn't understand how considering she looked like she was in her sixties.

Enzo didn't say anything out loud and no one else did but all eyes were on all of us. Willow held me tighter while Tinley let go of my arm. Willow and I were both crying at this point.

After a long silent pause, Enzo blurted "Godmother, she's a guest!" out.

It was a decisive tone he used and the lady's features contorted angrily. "An intruder, not a guest!"

Enzo only shook his head while Erica held onto the old lady, as if afraid that she would reach forward and attack Enzo. Despite being unable to hear what was happening, from Enzo's tense and strained body movements like moving his hand to his hip and brushing his curls back as well as the old lady's finger being constantly pointed at Enzo back and forth, I could feel the situation poisoning the atmosphere. I didn't know what exactly they were talking about but whatever it was, it was dying to hear it.

I was literally dying to hear what they were saying.

Then, Enzo turned again but this time, his gaze was pointed at Tinley. When he looked at her, she visibly stiffened and so did Willow who was still crying against me but whose head suddenly peeked upwards and who I was now holding despite my own forced and somewhat fake tears.

"Tinley!" Enzo screamed out Tinley's name in a sharp tone that for some reason, caused me to jump because  I didn't even think he was capable of using such a tone. He's always calm and collected but now, he seemed to be the epitome of serious. But why was he yelling at Tinley? What did she have to do with any of this?

Enzo's yell forced Tinley to jump too and she continuously shook her head then clumsily pulled at Willow. I didn't let go of Willow. I refused to let go of her.

"Where are you taking her?" My question was directed at Tinley who was still pulling at Willow who is holding onto me for dear life. The poor girl's eyes were a bright red as she squeezed me, her small brown eyes begging me not to let Tinley take her. So I held onto her tighter. Well, I already got slapped for her so I might as well see being her protector through to the end.

"Aoife, leave Willow. Come with me," Enzo's voice was commanding but in a gentle way as he reached for my shoulder. I turned to look at him with tears still in my eyes, spilling over like a caged bird flying away to freedom.

I shook my head.

"She's scared, Alpha. I can't just leave her. Someone might hurt her again," My eyes found the old lady who had a scowl on her lips as she stared down Erica, the conversation they were having in their heads also seeming quite tense.

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