Chapter Forty Two

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"What?!" I screamed out in a total lack of understanding as I shut the door.

"How long have you been sleeping with my brother?"

My towel fell from my head and onto the floor. I was that taken aback. But Erica was dead serious. This wasn't a joke.

"Aoife, please don't lie to me. I am not only older than you but I am also older than Enzo. Don't treat me like a child!" Her voice was clipped and I just leaned down to pick up my towel.

"Erica, what are you saying? I don't understand anything," I placed my towel on the dresser as my still wet hair started to drip onto my tunic.

"How long have you and Enzo been sleeping together?" She repeated her question and I was more confused than the first time she asked me. I leaned against the dresser.

"I'm not sleeping with your brother, Erica!" I near-yelled at her.

It was different if I was but Enzo hasn't even properly kissed me, much less fucked me. And I know for a fact that nothing happened last night so what the fuck was Erica going on about?

"Don't lie to me!" She yelled back at me and her voice was so unexpectedly fierce as it echoed through the room. She raised her finger at me. "I expect lies from Enzo, he shares my blood. I don't expect them from you because I actually like you. Don't make me reconsider my fondness towards you,"

"Erica-" I near cried out. "I don't know what you are talking about. Yes, I would consider myself close to Enzo but he's engaged. I am not sleeping with him!"

Erica moved towards me. I saw her gaze darken slightly. Anger was filled in every crevice of her and for the first time, other than the similar curly hair and brown features, I saw the similarity in aura between Enzo and Erica. She also exuded some air of power. She was indeed his sister.

Erica pulled at my hand a little too hard and placed something in it then let go. When I looked into my hand, it was the other pair of my dewdrop earrings. The same earring which Erica had gifted me for Indigo's birthday. I reached up to my left ear, the earring was there. When I touched my right ear, there was nothing. I shut my eyes.

"You left it in Enzo's bed. As well as your nighttime shawl,"

Okay, this was going to be challenging to explain.

"Erica," I took her hand in mine. Her skin was heated. "I swear by the moon, I am not sleeping with Enzo. I have not slept with him. I swear to you,"

Erica pulled her hand out of mine and shook her head at mine then paced around my bedroom.

"Aoife, stop lying to me. I'm fed up, up till here at the lies I had to listen to from my brother because of you before coming here. I expect him to lie to me. Why wouldn't he? He's only trying to protect your image but don't lie to me too. You were in Enzo's bed last night. Doing what? Playing card games?!" Her accusation was firm. Erica had already made up her mind on what she was determined to believe. This conversation was just a formality.

There was nothing which I was going to say to Erica that would convince her that her brother hadn't slept with me at least once.

"I was with Enzo yesterday but it was because I was sick. Everyone here thinks I am a witch. I was afraid that if I went to a healer then it would cause more gossip especially now that Tinley is missing," I explained the best that I could. This was bad. This was really bad. I needed Erica on my side.

"So then why didn't you come to me?" She screamed at me. "Why did you go to my brother who is engaged in the middle of the night?"

"Because he's the Alpha, Erica!"

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