Chapter Forty Three

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Song for the Chapter: Bad for Me by Dylan Dunlap

I felt Enzo's lips at my neck and I went completely still. I was as limp as a vegetable when he kissed the spot on my neck that was supposed to hold a mark one day.

The spot that was about to be marked now.

Enzo's hands moved. One, to my right hip and and the other, to the other side of my neck to steady me. He kept kissing my neck and and I shut my eyes as a moan slipped out. It felt good. It felt really good. Another feeling started to pulsate within my belly.

It was only when I felt the tip of Enzo's now descended canines at my now sensitive neck that I came back to my senses.

He was actually going to mark me.

"Enzo, stop!" I forced the words out of my mouth as I still stood there limp.

Enzo didn't stop.

His canines had grazed passed a bit of my skin when tears slipped down my eyes.

"Enzo, please stop," it came out in a whimper, a plea.

This wasn't what I wanted. This wasn't what I was prepared for. This was beyond anything that I had ever considered before.

Enzo became still against me and all I could hear was his ferocious breathing as the small part of his descended canines remained in the topmost part of my skin. If he bit down any further, he would complete the deed. My tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

Enzo pulled his canines out of me.

A searing pain extended across the length of my right shoulder. My eyes were still closed. I was crying. Enzo still held me in place. His hands were still on the other side of my neck and hip. He didn't move away from me.

"I thought that you wanted to be Luna," He said against me in the brashest of whispers. "So what changed?"

"Not like this," I said through my tears.

"Is there any other way? To become Luna, I have to mark you,"

I shook my head vigorously. "I never thought about becoming your Luna. I never thought about you marking me. I never.."

"You never thought about it.." Enzo moved the hand from my hip now as he took prisoner of my chin and forced it upwards. I kept my eyes closed. "Open your eyes and look at me. You were very brave up until a moment ago,"

I refused to open my eyes.

"Aoife, open your eyes. I can't speak to you if you aren't looking at me," He shook my chin gently.

I made my fists into a balls and opened my eyes. Enzo was staring right at me but his eyes were no longer gold. They were now back to their natural black. He had managed to subdue his Alpha wolf. I bit on the inside of my bottom lip as the feeling of his hands on my neck and chin predominated as he still pushed me into the wall.

"You never thought about it, Aoife because it's not what you want," he said against me, that tough hand still on my chin.

"I never had time to even consider it, Enzo," I said honestly. That was the truth. Tears still slid down my cheeks.

Enzo wiped a tear off.

"You have until my wedding day. If you decide that you want to be Luna, I will mark you instead of Leilani," His words threw me off. His wedding was in seven days. Seven!

"Enzo!" I whimpered out.

Enzo exhaled and shook my chin.

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