Chapter One

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"I really hate your pack," I state, crossing my arms over my chest. I hate Small Sized Packs so much or packs without alot of development. I really hate waking up to the site of woods right outside my window. And as I sit before the Alpha of the Black Blood Pack, I feel nothing more than great irritation for having to even be here.

"And I really hate girls that complain," Logan grumbles, slamming his glass of whiskey on the small glass table separating us. Next to me, Freya jumps a little but I don't, refusing to be intimidated by him.

"Temper, temper," Freya warns, her silver eyes shining endlessly as she twirls her finger through a lock of her silver hair.

"No, I want to kill her!" Logan screams, looking directly at Freya. Freya raises her gaze to Logan's, her lips pinched together in contemplation.

"Calm down. Raven here is very useful to us," she reminds him and he quiets down, picking up his glass of whiskey. His blonde hair falls backwards as he chugs everything down his throat. I only groan, impatient.

I stand up, tired of this drama.

"I did the job. Now, I want my freedom," I look at Freya. She doesn't even spare me a glance, instead, she focuses on the lock of hair between her fingertips. This makes me angry. "Are you deaf?"

Again, she ignores me so my motion is quick when I pull my dagger from my pants to aim it at her. Her eyes stop me before I am able to attack her. They look at me with an intensity that has me falling to the floor as a headache that crushes every inch of my skull spreads through me and causes me to feel pain that I didn't know could even exist. It's unending and I am screaming.

I'm still screaming when she stops.

"Try that again and next time, I'll blow your brains out," she warns, her tone low and I roll over on the floor, cursing witches and especially this one before me.

This silver-haired witch who lured me into the dastardly clutches of her and this sicko Alpha with the promise I've spent six years dreaming of - my freedom.

"This was not what we agreed on!" I cry out, frustrated as my hair lets lose everywhere, the strands like endless water going over a never-ending waterfall. "I did my part of the job, Freya. I did everything you both wanted me to do! Now, I want what's mine,"

"Oh shut up!" Logan screams at me and I want nothing more than to stick my dagger into his throat. This asshole. But even if I were swift enough to actually slice his throat open, I don't doubt that Freya would end me immediately. She's powerful, I'll give her that. Also, I need her. She is the only one that can actually help me.

"You almost ruined everything, so now, the deal is off!" Logan screams again, tossing the glass across the room. It smashes instantly, making a loud sound.

"You guys promised me!" I insist, getting very angry but unable to stand up as the effects of what Freya just did several seconds before has me feeling dizzy.

Logan laughs, falling back into his chair and crossing his legs. He's mocking me. I want him dead. I really want him dead.

I've never liked him from the first day I met him. He's a handsome devil that I believe should just burn in hell.

"If you don't give me what I want then there will be consequences!" I warn, still angry as my cheeks heat up. Logan keeps laughing, keeps mocking.

"What are you going to do? Report me to the Assassins'?" He laughs louder and I stiffen, watching a smirk grow on Freya's face. I should never have trusted these two. I trusted a witch! A witch! Raven, you dumb brazen fool, you trusted a witch! "Now see, they would love to get their hands on you. Their leader is going crazy searching for his beloved little favourite. How many perks could I get if I reported you? Or better still, I think Kai would be so interested in getting his hands on the best Assassin in his pack's history,"

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