Chapter Twelve

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I almost choked on my own spit. I pushed back my hair behind my ears. My eyes widened in surprise, extreme surprise.

I knew it. No one is ever too good to be true. He's the Alpha of the Moon's favourite pack but yet he murders the same wolves that the moon herself gifted with magic. I want to scream for joy. I knew that this male was not at all perfect. He's just the epitome of perfect according to already pre-conceived standards. Nothing more, nothing less!

I bring my fingers up to my lips to express my shock more deeply. It's a genuine shock but for a different reason than I want to show. I'm currently expressing compassionate shock but really, I'm only thinking of proud shock at the fact that Enzo's words have literally just proven that he isn't so pure.

Talking about purity, I wonder if he's a virgin.

Too soon, Raven. Too soon.

"You kill them?" I exclaimed with a gulp.

Enzo placed his index and third finger against his glabella and chuckled into his palm. His curly hair fell forward overwhelming his face and I just sat there wondering what was so funny. He literally just admitted to killing witches and he thinks that it's funny? I mean I'm not judging but still.

When he pulled his face away from his palm to lean against the chair, he had a huge smile on it.

"Calm down. It was a joke," He said in an amused tone, still chuckling.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We kill witches here but not that kind of kill,"

"I don't get it. Is there another way to kill?"

I mean or else you're killing someone with kindness which I would never be caught dead doing, I don't think there is another way to kill.

"The death of the body isn't always the death of the soul," he sat up now and adjusted the cuff of his wrist. "I don't actually kill them. I just take away their magic which in a way, kills them I guess but it's not my fault. Every witch knows what they risk if they are caught in this pack,"

I let out a fake sigh of relief, shaking my head.

"Oh. I thought that you-"

"You thought that I actually murder them?" He interrupted me with a raised eyebrow. "I don't. Believe it or not, unlike other Alphas, I actually stand for mercy,"

"But how can taking away someone's magic be considered merciful?" I shot back. His logic fails to impress me. "How is it possible to even take away another's magic in the first place? Aren't they born with it?"

Enzo knitted his fingers into each other. "Firstly, I don't think you can compare taking away the magic of a witch who comes into my pack with the sole purpose of doing some version of evil or taking things that aren't theirs for some evil purpose to taking away a life. Every action has consequences. They all know the rules,"

"But how do you know that all of them know the rules, Alpha? What if one of them just stumbles into your pack randomly like the way I did?" My eyes were dead set against his. His brow twitched. "What if you take away the magic of a witch who is innocent because of your so-called rules?"

Fucking rules. I hate them. Especially the ones in this pack. They are so damn restricting ugh!

Enzo exhaled but he didn't falter from his demeanour and neither did I. I stared him straight in the eyes, no hint of fear or hesitation in my eyes.

"Most witches come from Arian's pack. Every witch in Arian's pack knows that stepping foot onto my pack is forbidden. Not only by me but also by Arian. It's common knowledge. So like I said earlier, they know what they risk when they come here,"

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