Chapter Fifty Four

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For a long time, Enzo didn't say anything else to me. Enzo simply stared at me. From head to toe, his gaze glided over my face, down my neck, across my shoulders and over my legs until he reached my toes then he did a one over once more. He looked me up and down several times.

I clutched to my towel across my chest as I also looked at him. The Enzo who stood before me looked like he hadn't changed a bit.

It was still the same curly locks of hair over glistening brown skin. It was still the same large white shirt that masked powerful muscles which could crush me in an instant. It was still the same smell that made me want to set myself on fire. I involuntarily relaxed against the door when I sighed.

"W-what are you doing here?" I found the courage to ask. The last time I checked, Enzo wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Neither had he contacted me in the last eleven or so months nor had he met me. When he cut me out of his life, he truly meant it and I couldn't blame him for that. I would have done the same in his place.

The towel on my head fell down faster than I could stop it and my second towel almost fell when I tried to catch the first one. There I stood, half naked with wet black hair over every inch of my skin like a veil.

"How are you?" Enzo finally said something and I stared down at the floor. What did he expect me to say?

"I'm good," I said, for lack of an alternative answer. "How are you?"

Enzo shrugged and I failed to understand what a shrug meant. Did it mean that he was good? He was bad? He didn't care? What was its context?

"What brings you here?" I repeated my question.

"Erica asked me to invite you to her twins birthday celebration," my mouth plopped open.

"Twins?" I asked, bewildered.

Enzo nodded. "She was pregnant when you left. She has twins now. A girl and boy," I couldn't hide my smile. I was happy for her. Well, if she was pregnant when that whole debacle happened then that explained why Enzo said she would never leave Jude. I could bet my lucky stars that she didn't leave him.

"What are their names?" I asked. I was fond of children, especially now that my job was teaching them music.

"Rhys and Nurys," Enzo said and I smiled. Those were lovely names. They definitely went with Enys.

"Why does Erica want me there?" I was confused. Why would Erica care about me? Enzo scratched the back of his head. "Does she know that I'm your mate?"

Enzo reluctantly nodded.

Okay, I am definitely not going for that celebration then.

"Tell Erica that I respect her invitation but I'm quite busy these days and won't be able to find time for the event. Just tell me before you leave, I will send back some gifts for the babies," I said honestly. I did not see the benefit in attending this celebration or whatever.

"She'll be upset," was Enzo's counter. I clenched my jaw and looked away.

"I'm sorry," was all I could manage to mouth.

"It doesn't matter," Enzo responded, looking away from me as he stared around my apartment.

"Is there anything else?" I asked. It was bizarre to think that he was here just because of Erica. It was bizarre to think that he was even here at all.

Enzo didn't respond. He only stared at me now. I darted my eyes away and water dripped all over me from my hair.

"I'm not going to lie to you. Ronan was worried about you and made me come here," Enzo was blatantly honest and I should have realised. It was all Ronan's doing, off course. "Why do you need money?"

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