Chapter Eighteen Part I

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The way my room was locked with authority left no doubt in my mind who this could be.

The infamous Mak.

When he turned, I sat up, setting the bowl of strawberries and cream on my lap. I didn't know how to react to the man who was in every Assassin's nightmare being in my room. Until now, we only ever heard tales but no one had ever actually seen his face. No one had any idea of how he even looked like and now he was here, in the middle of my bedroom.

When he looked at me, I swore that my spine would collapse in on itself. Those navy blue eyes of his looked cruel, calculative and somewhat merciless. They sent a chill over every inch of my skin and I found myself regressing into my bed slowly.

Then, he tossed my red thong directly at my face.

I gulped and it landed on the strawberry bowl. Mak was not impressed. Okay, Raven. I think you went a little too far and too big with your big statement. To say I'm starting to regret it now would be a huge understatement because the way this navy blue-eyed man is staring me down with all the anger held in his eyes shows nothing less than the fact that all he wants to do now is devour me and I don't mean that in a good way.

"I can explain!" is all I am able to let out beneath his threatening glare.

He raised his eyebrow at me and again, I gulped. This time, I pushed the bowl to the side and knelt on my bed, unable to decide if I wanted to stand up or retreat further into my bed. Mak's hands were stuffed into his suit's pockets. He wore a suit without a tie so the top of his chest was visible.

He narrowed his eyes at me and again, the weight of his gaze almost had me sitting back down. Its heaviness not only attacked my lumbar region extensively but filled the air with a dark, suffocating heaviness. This man was powerful. I've met a lot of powerful and influential men but this one was unlike anyone I had ever encountered before. He made me want to run away and cower for reasons I just didn't understand.

When he took a step towards me, I prayed that the moon would take me. This thong idea was just not my brightest moment.

Before I could run away to the edge of my bed, with reflexes as quick as a fox, he held me by my hair and stopped me. The mere aggression had me dizzy when he pulled me by my hair up to his face. I screamed in pain. Then he pinned his eyes to mine and with one hand, he had his hand powerfully in my hair and with the second hand, he touched my cheek roughly and settled on my chin.

I had never felt so intimidated in my whole life. Those navy eyes that were against mine did things to me and my body that even in my worst nightmares, I never imagined was possible. Suddenly, the crushing feeling that had spread over every part of my skin made it hard for me to breathe, yet, I was so stilled into submission out of fear that I didn't even know how to open my mouth to inhale the very oxygen I so desperately needed in that moment.

Raven, you really screwed up this time. Big time.

"A thong in my ribeye, am I supposed to be amused?" He questioned me with a dangerously low tone that nearly broke me especially when he tightened his grip on my hair and pulled my face up to his so that his eyes were directly against mine and his hot breath fanned my upper lip. I flailed my arms against his chest as I finally took my urgently needed deep inhale.

"I-I," I started but trailed off, words unable to form in my brain. I was scared to my bone and every inch of me shook like an autumn leaf in his hands.

"I've heard about you. The infamous Raven whose daringness got the job done three times faster than the average Assassin," he said, still not letting me go and I just let his scent of pine engulf me. It was strong and dangerous and didn't help with my new found breathing problem.

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