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It's was in the midst of June where the rain starts falling in the afternoon

"Kim Taehyung"

the quiet boy in school was looking out of the window not minding his teacher's lecture

His always in daze whenever the rain falls, since everything is making him feel sleepy

Not until his gaze landed on to someone familiar. He meant really really familiar.

It was no other than...

"Park Jimin"
the social butterfly boy of the school. The most energetic, most noisiest, most friendliest boy he ever known.

Taehyung hate so much noise but he doesn't hate Park Jimin. It's the other way around.

He was gonna change his gaze away but then, he was stunned to witness that scenario

Park Jimin was kiss by Min Yoongi, the badass boy in school... More on he was force to kiss him.

Since Taehyung sees Jimin's face full of disgust and disappointment

It was in the middle of the class, so obviously no one is gonna saw what he saw, plus it was raining really hard. It can't be hardly seen.

"Excuse me sir. May I go out?"

Without hesitation Taehyung immediately asked the teacher to be excuse.

"Yes you may. Kim Taehyung"

The teacher agreed immediately. He has no complains when it comes to Taehyung. Since his the most smartest quiet plus obedient student in this school. Although, it wasn't mention earlier that he is.

Taehyung got up and went out to the classroom, walk his way towards his locker, get his umbrella, and went into the hard pouring rain.

In a distance, he still saw Jimin being kiss with this bad ass boy Min Yoongi.

He don't know why but he could see Jimin's tears even when the rain hits his face. It made him feel a bit irritated, seeing the poor boy crying silently while his harasser was enjoying his self to the core.

"Hey. Stop"

Taehyung's voice was just like the cold they felt from the rain.
Making Min Yoongi stop from harassing Park Jimin.

"Well, well. Look whose here. Knight in shinning armor? Or just a nosy person Looking for trouble Kim Taehyung?" Min Yoongi said while looking at Taehyung with his deadly looked.

But Taehyung wasn't bothered by it

"Shut up. Let him go. Can't you see his crying because of a stupid shit like you?"

"What did you said!?" Min Yoongi was short-tempered

"I said Stupid Shit"

Yoongi was supposed to punch Taehyung

But Taehyung said something that made him stop

"Is this the reason why Hobi left you?"

Yoongi wavered from those words. He looked so vulnerable upon hearing that particular name.

"Shut up! You don't know anything! Shut up!"

"If you care for Hobi that much. Go and tell him how you really feel you fucking stupid bastard. And don't harass anyone just because of your stupid shit"

Yoongi looked at Taehyung with almost crying eyes

Taehyung knew how he really felt and so he said

"His always there. At the place where you two meet"

Without hesitation Yoongi run as if it was the end of his life.

As for Park Jimin's situation.

Taehyung came to him. Eventhough he was wet in the rain. Taehyung still held the umbrella under Park Jimin

"I'm already wet" Jimin said, without a life in his words

"I know" Taehyung replied... "Are you dating him? Min Yoongi"

"Yes. But I broke up with him today"

"Is that why he chase you? And kiss you like that?"

"Yes... Although, I know his heart is with someone else"

"Then why you dated him? You like him? " Taehyung asked

"I-It's because I was desperate to forget something. I know, I don't have a chance. And he probably hates me. He always went away whenever I go near him. He always leave"

"And did you forget that something?"

"Of course not. Not even today. That's why I decided to end things with Yoongi. We know too well we are just using each other to fill the emptiness we felt."

"I see what you mean. But haven't you tried talking to that person? Tell him how you really feel"

Jimin remained silent

And with those words, Taehyung gave his umbrella to Jimin

"I better go. Teacher is probably waiting for me. Becareful on your way home. Jimin."

Taehyung walks in the heavy rain, as Jimin looked at him getting further and further

"And there you go again. Always leaving... Leaving a strong impression in my heart. I hate you Kim Taehyung but I love you always"

Jimin said those words, as his tears struck down his face...

* * *

Taehyung barely reach the lockers room when suddenly his hand was yanked by someone, grab his collar and pulled him closer and closer as his lips were meet by a soft yet cold touch.

Taehyung deepened the kiss as he pulled his little one, closer to him holding him tight, knowing he was actually wet because of the rain.

Jimin was surprised because of it, making him stop and looked Taehyung in the eyes.

"I thought you hated being near me. Because you always leave when I'm around" Jimin complained as his tears starts to fall again to the ground.

Taehyung slowly kiss his forehead and wiped his tears away...

"Its the other way around, my little one. I love you Jiminie"

Jimin cried even more as he hug Taehyung tighter.


He finally reach him. The person he wants to catch the attention. The person whom he thought he was hated. The person he truly loves.

"I love you more Taehyungie"

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