Canvas Trouble

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Jimin was walking slowly towards his boyfriend's house with tears falling down one by one as his sniffles can be heard by people whose passing by

His been silently crying for almost half an hour now after he visits his friends house.

And what's the reason you asked?

Jimin told his friends about his current situation with his boyfriend Taehyung

They've been in a relationship since highschool, and they're currently college students now. Jimin majoring in dance and Taehyung majoring in arts. The two were too busy so they rarely meet each other and have time.

Jimin didn't mind at first as he knew Taehyung love him more than anything in this world, and he love the younger as much as he love him, but these past few weeks, he notice Taehyung rarely sends him message, and whenever he calls him through video calls, Taehyung would end up sleeping early, he tried to give him a surprise visit many times but Taehyung wasn't home.

So, Jimin grew nervous and restless everyday, he didn't want to think of that one thing that his mind keep on telling him...

'Taehyung grew tired of you. Give it up!' his mind keeps on telling him but he refuse to believe it. Even though Jimin is much more manlier between the two, he goes weak when it comes to Taehyung.

So, he went for his last resort, and that is going to his friends to asked for advice and some views.

Sadly, his friends told him the same thing as his mind did, and that was the last straw for Jimin. He was actually holding his tears for a while now, staying positive as much as he can, there's no way Taehyung would grew tired of him but hearing it from his friends made him cry

'Jimin, we didn't want to tell you but we think that's the end of your relationship with Taehyung'

'Yeah, I think he fall out of love'

'He grew tired of you'

Jimin didn't want to hear anymore of it, as he stormed out of his friends house and walked towards Taehyung's house. He badly want to see the younger so much. So he walked slowly tears falling one by one.

Upon arriving at Taehyung's front door, his hand was trembling as he attempt to knocked on the door, his tears were still falling and he didn't bothered wiping it.

After he knocked three times, he heard footsteps coming on the front door, and in every step his heart drops. He didn't want to hear it coming from Taehyung but he wanted to clarify everything, why he rarely message, why he never call, why his always gone

The door opened slowly, revealing a messy Taehyung, his clothes were full of paints, he smells like paints, his hands are full of paint. He looked at the boy in front of him and was shocked to see Jimin in front of him, but he immediately panic when he saw him crying while looking at him.

Taehyung didn't waste anytime as he immediately grab his handkerchief on his pocket and dried Jimin's tears. Good thing he always brings handkerchief he thought.

"What's wrong love? Are you hurt? Who made you cry?" Taehyung immediately asked, while wipping Jimin's tears away. He knew Jimin rarely cries, and if he did cry that means his really hurt.

Jimin immediately hugged the younger, he didn't care if his full of paint or he smells like paint, in fact he love it when Taehyung is so immersed in his works.

"Why aren't you messaging me? Why do you fall asleep whenever I call you? Why are you always gone whenever I came to visit? Why Love? Why? A-are Y-you t-tired of m-me?"

Taehyung immediately gasped as he heard those words, he let go from the hug as he held both of Jimin's shoulders facing him and looking straight into his misty eyes.

"What are you saying Love? You know I love you more than anything in this world! I won't get tired of being with you, you silly" Taehyung said as he kissed the older's forehead.

Jimin cried even more after hearing Taehyung's words. Taehyung just held his boyfriend tightly caressing his back comforting him.

"I'm sorry for not paying attention to you this passed few days, Love" Taehyung felt guilty, he didn't know Jimin was thinking he grew tired of him. He knew how awful he must have felt, and he wasn't at the older's side during that time.

"N-no, don't be sorry. I should be saying that. I'm sorry for being weak Love"

"No, Love. I should be the one saying sorry. You see, the reason I wasn't able to message you or why I always sleep on our calls and why I always went out it's because of this" Taehyung immediately grab Jimin's hand, as lead him to Taehyung's working place. In the middle of the room, their stood a canvas covered up with a white clothed...

Jimin finally understood the reason why, he forgot that Taehyung would be so indulge in his own world whenever he starts making his art works.

"I was painting it day and night. And luckily I finished it today. It's for you, Love" Taehyung said as he looked at Jimin smiling his boxy smile. Jimin was utterly shocked, he didn't know what to say. But it was visible in his face that his on cloud nine. As his pale skin turned bright red.

He then, hug Taehyung tightly, giving him lots of kisses in the face and a longer kiss on his lips. It's been a while since he felt the younger lips on his.

"You can take a looked at it" Taehyung said, as Jimin nooded and went near the covered canvas. He slowly take off the white clothed and he eyes went big as he was stunned to see  Taehyung's master piece... He didn't waste time as he run back in his boyfriend's arm and tackled him with hug...

Sniffles are the only thing you can hear from Jimin. He couldn't speak. Taehyung was too much for him. He didn't deserve someone like him who easily loses hope for a few weeks without constant communication.

"I don't deserve you, Love. You deserve someone else, someone better than me. Someone who never doubts your love."

Jimin cried, he felt guilty for what his mind was thinking during the times Taehyung communicated less to him.

All this time, Taehyung was thinking of him and only him. And yet his stupid mind keeps on telling him Taehyung grew tired of him.

"What are you saying, Love? Of course you deserve me. Only you deserve me and no one else. Meeting you was the best thing that every happened to me even until now. So, You deserve me, Love. I love you as always nothing and no one can change that" Taehyung held him tightly afraid of letting Jimin go, as Jimin hug him back tight sighing happily.

"Thank you, Love. I love you much much more, now until eternity"

"Gosh, I missed you so much. I've been holding back from seeing you. I wanted to see you so badly but I didn't want you too see my art piece, since its my surprise for you. I nearly died from not seeing you though" Taehyung complained, as Jimin listened to him chuckling after hearing Taehyung's ranting of missing him so much. Carresing his hair from time to time and stealing kisses from the youngers lips every now and then...

In the canvas, Jimin's face was painted beautifully and carefully. It's shown how much Taehyung paid attention to every details as it was aesthetically created with unconditional love...

The very next day, Taehyung gave Jimin's friend a full scolding after he found out they made Jimin cried that very night.

Jimin on the other hand, kept on visiting Taehyung while sometimes he would stay overnight. Taehyung on the other hand, never forgets to update Jimin in every thing he do. Both of them adjusted, after that very incident. They both find ways to spend time together despite of their busy schedules, and would go out every now and then.

It didn't take long enough as the two finally decided to stay together in one place, renting an apartment, not worried of what might happen in the near future as they knew their love for each other are like the colors painted in a canvas, created beautifully without a doubt.


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