Spring Blues

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Its spring time and spring break is almost ending to which made Taehyung disappointed. He really wants to stay at home all through the season but school is a hindrance to it. Spring means a fresh start of a new semester and another year to see the people his not interested to see.

"Great! I'll be seeing that confident stupid Park Jimin!" Taehyung sarcastically said as he groan in his pillow.


Jimin on the other hand was the opposite. He can't wait for spring break to end. He's really excited for the new semester or rather, should we say he's excited to see his friends again, and he's mainly dying to see a particular boy since the start of the spring break.

"I can't wait to see you Kim Taehyung" Jimin mumbled shyly as he looked at the cherry blossom that's starting to bloom.


Taehyung and Jimin are like Fire and Water cannot be put together at the same time. If you ask why? It's because Taehyung hated the fact that Jimin would constantly caught his attention by teasing the younger and bothering him non-stop when all he wanted to do is sit at the corner of their classroom, be at peace reading books he likes, which is honestly impossible as Jimin would put them both in trouble. What kind of trouble? Well, Jimin would teased the younger leading to verbal arguing and would end up getting kicked out by their teachers together for being noisy or sometimes would lead them to detention, staying until 5pm at school.

Taehyung hated that part, but what he didn't know is that Jimin would intentionally do those things just to be around him. Jimin is not friends with Taehyung so he can't talked to him in a normal way a person would do to someone they like. Yes! He like Taehyung, or rather he is in love with the younger, but he refused to confess, afraid of being rejected.

Jimin thought it is the only way to be with the younger. Even though Taehyung would just sulk at the corner hating the older even more. Jimin was contented being with Taehyung.

Jimin didn't like spring break the most. Although, he was able to take some rest off school, go out with his friends and visiting places he likes. He misses Taehyung so badly. Jimin's knows Taehyung rarely goes out. He found out about it because Taehyung's brother, Namjoon which was Jimin's friend told him so.

Jimin wanted to see Taehyung even during there breaks. But of course, he can't because they aren't close enough to spend time together. He knew for the fact that the younger hated him because he always put Taehyung in trouble.


It was Monday morning when Taehyung came to school early. He was determined to ignore Jimin for the rest of the semester to avoid being in trouble. So he immediately put his headphones on,  played his favorite music, increasing the volume and forgets the rest of his surroundings.

Meanwhile, Jimin hurriedly run towards school. Its been months since he last saw Taehyung and he can't wait to see him again. The beating of his heart increases the moment he gets nearer to their classroom. Soon, he reached his destination, and to what made his heart beats even more is the sight of Taehyung looking outside the window.

Jimin felt the butterflies in his stomach flutters as he saw Taehyung. He became much more beautiful than ever, his knewly dyed black hair made him even more attractive, caughting the attention of many. Jimin like Taehyung's blue colored before but he wasn't expecting Taehyung to be looking more beautiful in black hair. He is much more paler than before, same reddish lips that Jimin would sometimes think how does it taste, but then he would shooked his head from his indecent daydreams just to wake himself to reality.

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