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Taehyung is in love with his best friend Jimin since then, but refuses to confess his feelings for the older as he was afraid to ruin their friendship.

Jimin was oblivious about it of course. As he thought all of Taehyung's sweet gesture were mainly because their best friends.

One time, Jimin was showing some interest to this one guy from the coffee shop he usually goes too and tells Taehyung about it.

Taehyung on the other hand, felt scared Jimin might be taken away by someone else, he accidentally confess to him.

Jimin was so shocked to hear the confession. As he didn't see Taehyung in that way, he suddenly run away from the scene and refuse to talked to Taehyung for months.


Its been 2 months since I confess to Jimin, and even until now he refused to see me nor talked to me. Jin-hyung told me to let Jimin be for a while, and so I did. I'm glad my friends are there for me during this time, cause I honestly don't know what to do. The fact that Jimin never felt the same way about me. I already know it, yet I take the risk of telling him, as I was afraid he'll start to feel something for the guy he was talking about from the coffee shop. Well, at least his mind will be filled about me for while, instead of that coffee guy. Am I selfish? Well, you can call me that or whatever I don't mind. I'm only selfish when it comes to Jimin anyway.

I, honestly cried every night because partly I regretted telling him what I felt. I missed being with him, I miss seeing his smiles, hearing his laughs and giggles, his sweet gestures, I miss our sleep overs, our morning chats and greets. I miss his everything and it's killing me to the core but I'll let him be for now. He needed space more than I do.

Eventhough my other friends tell me to just forget my feelings for him, I can't help it. A part of me can't let go, a part of me goes back to him everytime. Even if he doesn't reciprocate my feelings, I'm fine with it, as long as he stays by my side. I could not asked for more than that.

Well, the good thing is, my cousin Yoongi-hyung asked me to stay with him on Daegu this incoming summer break. After this week, summer breaks starts, so I'll flight their after class dismissed. It would be good both for me and Jimin. And it can stop me from thinking too much negativity if I went away for a bit. Yoongi-hung knew what happened to me and Jimin, as his the only one I can tell about Jimin aside from my friends Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, Hoseok-hyung and Jungkookie.

And currently, I'm packing the things I needed for the trip. I already told the others about it and they're partly happy for me. Well, I guess I'm a bit happy too. At least I can help Jimin feel at ease if he knew I won't be here until Summer ends.

**׶End of Taehyung's Pov¶×**

Meanwhile, after Taehyung told his friends about his stay on Daegu during summer. His friends smiled mischievously when an idea popped from their minds...

**׶Time Skipped¶×**

It was already Friday and the very last lesson of the day. Summer break starts tomorrow, so Taehyung was ready to move out after these as he have a flight to catch at 5pm. Its already 2pm and 1 hour to go before classes are dismissed...

Jimin and Taehyung still didn't talked to each other despite being classmates... Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook glance at each other, as they are planning to commence their operation which they've been preparing for a week now...

After the boring lesson, the class ended up with loud shouts and squeals from each and every students as they are excited for the summer break to start...

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