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**×<Night before>×**

Taehyung was walking in the hospital hallways, he went out as he buy fruits and dinner for his Mother. It was a good thing she was okay, and the doctor said she was just over fatigue.

He suddenly stopped when he heard soft sobbs coming from the room next to his mother. He was surprised when a group of friends went out from the room, their eyes are still swollen from crying

But he was even more surprised when a guy suddenly blurted out his name

"Kim Taehyung?!" the other three looked at him, and he was confused as to why they knew his name. Their eyes widden as they confirmed it was him.

"How come you know my name?"

"Jim—" the person who called his name was stopped by the eldest

"Um from Min Yoongi. We are friends with him. Hoseok here mainly. I'm Seokjin"

Right! Taehyung remembered his best friend was talking about his crush whom he befriends with along with his other friends.

"Jung Hoseok? Nice to meet you. Yoongi told me alot about you"

Hoseok shooked his hands, as visible blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Nice to finally meet you too. I also heard a lot about you from Yoongi. This are my friends, Seokjin-hyung, Namjoon and Jungkookie. I hope I'm not being rude but can I ask you why you're here?"

"Oh, umm. My Mom fainted the other day."

"I see. I hope she's well"

"Yes. Thank you very much. How come you're here?"

The four looked at each other as they hesitated to say anything first

"It's okay you don't have to tell me."

"N-no we're visiting a close friend of ours." Jungkook said with a sad smile, tears starting to glisten in his eyes, as Seokjin hug the younger

"O-Oh. I-I see. I'm sorry for asking" Taehyung said, as he understood the meaning behind their sad smiles

"No don't be" Namjoon said, as they all remained silent.

"Umm. Taehyung if it isn't too much. But can you visit our friend while you're here. He's name is Park Jimin"

Taehyung's eyes widden as he heard that name. But he composed his self. He didn't want to freak this group of friends out.

"Yes, of course hyung. With pleasure" Taehyung said, giving them a reassuring smile

"This way" Seokjin lead the younger entered the room.

Taehyung's heart was beating fast the moment he entered the room. It's been a week when he talked to Jimin in the library. He grew attached to the ghost as he was so kind to him and fun to talked too. He didn't asked him about the reason why his bound to this world as he was scared to upset him and now he finally find out why...

In the room, their stood Jimin's parents looking at Jimin's body laid in the hospital bed, with so many wirings attached to him. They were crying again, as always every night. But they soon stopped when they saw an unfamiliar face

"Auntie, Uncle. This is Taehyung" Seokjin said, as Taehyung bow his head to the elders out of respect. Jimin's mother didn't hesitate to hug Taehyung and cried. Taehyung hug her back.

"So, you're Kim Taehyung. It's finally nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you from Jimin" Jimin's Dad said. Taehyung was confused, why do they know him, until Jimin's Dad uttered a word he least expect

"Jimin love you for a long time now. I remembered him running home telling me he fell for you at first sight, when he saw you waiting under the cherry blossom"

Taehyung remembered that scene. It was first day of school and he waited for Yoongi at that tree. He was actually talking to the spirit living in that tree. It was a pretty lady wearing white with a flower in her long silky hair.

The lady suddenly told him, a boy was staring at him for a while now. And he remembered Jimin's face.

'So it was him' Taehyung thought as he remembered the lady telling him something before she faded

'That boy will meet his misfortune in a few days, however the universe has already tied your knots together'


After the long talked Taehyung walked back to his Mother's room feeling sad. He immediately hug his Mother tight

"Is something wrong?" His mother asked gently as Taehyung nodded his head and sat up to tell his mother about Jimin's situation. And that his soul was still at their school, after he got into an accident a year ago and he was still in coma after.

"Taehyung, I did tell you to hide the other ability you have. But this time, use it to help your friend. He needs you"

"Hmm. I'm visiting him tomorrow Mom. I'll bring him back"

"And let me meet him alright?" Taehyung blushed as he nodded in response


**צPresent Time¦×**

"However, Jimin... Why aren't you waking up yet?"

Jimin was dumbfounded

"Did you see me there?"

"Yes, I did"

"I see. I mean, I could if I would but I don't know how too. I tried many times. But my body remained asleep. Eventually, I wanted to give up but, I can't. I can't leave my Mom and Dad. And I-I still haven't told you how I feel"

Jimin suddenly blurted out. He was nervous of course, but seeing Taehyung smiling at him fondly made him forget the nervousness he was feeling.

"If so, then tell me when you wake up. I'll be waiting. I promise I'll be by your side when you open your eyes" Taehyung said, as he gave Jimin his boxy smile

"Wait for me" Jimin showed him his eye smile, tears glistening in his eyes as he's starting to fade away

"I will" Taehyung mumbled after Jimin disappeared

That very night, a miracle happened the moment Jimin finally woke up from his 1 year coma. And Taehyung, just as he promised, he was by Jimin's side the moment he opened his eyes.

"I kept my promise"

Taehyung smiled, as he held Jimin's hand and looked at him fondly whose tears finally falling from his eyes



Hi there! So, here is the continuation of the Ghost. For those who didn't read the Ghost, well, you have too in order to understand the sequel which is Coma😉 I'm sorry for leaving you cliff hanging. I purposely did it, because I want the readers to be curious about the continuation🤭 I hope you liked the story😊

Oh! And before I end this note I would like to dedicate this chapter to my readers, especially to:


I'm sorry I can't tag you guys, since we aren't following each other but I'm truly grateful for both of you. Thank you for always reading my updates and as well as voting for it. You don't know how much it means to me. Borahae💜

That's all for now, so stay tuned again for my next update, if ever an idea pops on my mind again😉 byeeeeee see youuuuuuu


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