Eyes Can Tell

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Jimin's Pov

It was love at first sight the moment I saw him reading a book in the school library. I was 13 and it was the second day of our freshmen year.

I honestly didn't know such a boy like him exists. He was like a prince charming that came out from fairy tale books and an anime character that I usually watch only from TV screens or from the manga's I read during summer.

His beauty was so aesthetic making the butterflies in my stomach flutter so much whenever I see him from afar.

And it was at that moment I developed a hobby of going to the library every Tuesdays and Fridays. Since, it's the only time I could see him and looked at him in a close proximity.

Soon enough, my friends, Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook found out about my secret feelings for this guy, and help me know his name.

"Kim Taehyung", he said and smiled softly, after Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook went near him and disturb his quiet reading on his current book while asking for his name.

I could see the faces of those three turned from pale to red when Kim Taehyung suddenly smiled at them. I was so jealous of course! As I was the only one who couldn't get near him due to panic attacks and severe nervousness I felt whenever I'm near him 10 feet apart.

"Even his name was undeniably beautiful to the core", I suddenly mumbled, as I could feel myself drooling while thinking of that.

I immediately erased that stupidity thinking and went back to looked at him, not until, I saw him looking right back at me in the eyes. I immediately hid myself under the pile of books I borrowed from the library, which was of course an excuse just to see him.

But damn, did he just looked at me!?
I probably can't sleep well tonight! I'm trembling!


Time passed and we are currently on our last senior year. My feelings for him remained the same, despite knowing Taehyung had been in different relationships all through those years.

And having secret feelings for him all this time made me laugh, smiled, cried, hurt, sad, and broken.

My friends were there for me during the ups and downs of my life. They even pursued me to stop my feelings for Taehyung, because they couldn't bare to see me dying whenever I hear him having another relationship with another.

It truly breaks my heart, but a part of me couldn't let go. It was like my mind is telling me to go on, hold unto this feeling and never let go.

And, its partly my fault, for I never dared to talked to him nor get near to him and confess my feelings because I was afraid of his rejection, eventhough, he and I became seatmates the moment we became classmates.

I thought, things were gonna stay the same, not until one day. My vision started to blur and suddenly darkness swallowed me up.

I couldn't remember anything that happened that day. The next thing I know, is when I woke up and all I could see the darkness while I heard my mother cried beside me. I panic for a moment but then, I heard the doctor told me the painful truth.

"Jimin, you're currently blind"

I feel like my soul left out of my body. I couldn't think of anything else but him.

*Kim Taehyung*

How can I see him again? The way he walks, talks, laugh, smiles, or his features whenever he reads some books at the corner of our school library or the way he looks at me whenever we had the chance to glance at each others eyes.

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