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Park Jimin sat on a bench in a park, devastated after having a huge fight with his boyfriend and broke up after he found out he was cheating on him. All he could do is say every curses words he knew and cry an ocean.

He felt shit after being with him for 3 years, giving everything he have in order to make his ex boyfriend happy. And this is what he gave him in return. It was their anniversary and Jimin was away for some business trip. He literally beg his boss to let him leave earlier in order to surprise his boyfriend. But it turns out he was the one who was surprise.

After ending things, he went for a walked and here he is now crying in a bench all by himself and was a mess.


Kim Taehyung a stranger who happen to passed by a crying man, stop on his tracks. He was supposed to go home and sleep after having an exhausting day, but when he saw this guy crying all alone in the park, he couldn't just ignore him. Although, it's very unlikely of him to mind the business of others, but his mind keep on telling him to go to the guy. And so he gathered his courage and went to the guy.

"A-Ahem, u-umm. I know I'm not supposed to mind your business but my stupid mind told me to go near you"

Taehyung immediately said, as he scratch the back of his neck looking away. Jimin, who suddenly stopped crying wanted to tell the stranger to go away, but was a bit amuse of his reasoning.

'What a weird individual' Jimin thought to himself. He didn't realized he suddenly smiled a bit.

"O-oh! You finnaly smiled that's a good thing I guess haha"

Jimin almost gasped realizing he did kind of smile in front of a stranger, which is really rare for him. He usually ignores them, and show them cold shoulders. But for the first time, it wasn't like that.

"I-Umm can I sit beside you?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin just nodded allowing the strange guy near him. For some reason, he didn't felt any ill intention. It was actually comfortable.

"Sooooo. Umm. I know it's weird to asked this, but can you tell me the reason why your tears had fallen?"

'What an odd way to asked a question. Isn't he supposed to say, why am I crying?' Jimin thought again, he was intrigued by the stranger's way of speaking. But he didn't dislike it.

"Got a bad day" Jimin said, as he looked to the ground remembering what just happened earlier.

"Y-Yeah, I get that. You know. I was having a bad day too plus it was so exhausting. My co-workers made me like a slave, making me do stuffs their supposed to do, and my boss!? Can you believe it he wasn't funny at all! He scolded me many times today and made me redo all the works I spend the other night making it perfect and and—"

Taehyung continued to share his day to the stranger. And Jimin just listened to him without judging him. He just nod and understood everything the stranger said to him.

'He's indeed peculiar. But I don't dislike him' Jimin thought and smiled a bit. Eventhough he was supposed to feel down and broken, for some reason it just washed away. The stranger made him feel okay.

"Oh! Gosh! I was supposed to be listening to your story and not the other way around! I'm sorry for being a chatterbox. By the way, my name's Kim Taehyung. You can call me anything you prefer"

"I'm Park Jimin. Just call me Jimin"

"So Jimin? Why are you crying? You can tell me. Don't be shy. I won't judge nor bite not unless you want me too. Just kidding haha"

Jimin smiled at Taehyung's words. And he didn't hesitate to tell him. The reason he was crying.

"I broke up with my long term boyfriend. I caught him cheating today. And it was supposed to be our anniversary" Jimin said sighing.

"Oh My Goodness! No way he'll do that to you?! I mean looked at you?! Who would cheat on you?! You're handsome than anyone else I had known?! Not that I known you for too long though, but you're still handsome! But you know what? fuck your ex he doesn't deserve someone as pretty than the stars above you Jimin!"

Jimin giggled, and Taehyung was a bit stunned to hear it.

"Gosh! I can finally die!" Taehyung acted up dying upon hearing Jimin's giggles.

"You're so funny Taehyung"

"Am I? Thanks" Taehyung said as he gave Jimin a wink.

"I know how it feels to be broken-hearted. But you know, even if I just meet you in a minute, I could already tell that you'll get through this Jimin. I know you can. Besides, looked on the bright side, there still a new day, and a new day means a new beginning. And eventually all things will fall in the right place. Even for love"

Jimin was stunned by Taehyung words, that all he could do was nod. Its true Taehyung is a bit weird, but he's the nicest human Jimin had ever known. Even his words, where God given. Jimin could tell his someone whose willing to risk his life for anyone.

"Oh, its already this late. Jimin, I better go. Its okay to cry so don't hold it back, and after that stand up again. Okay? You'll be alright. I promise." Taehyung said as he gave Jimin one hug. They exchange their thanks and bid farewell to one another.

Jimin looked at Taehyung whose back was facing him. Jimin's mind was telling him to stop Taehyung, but he was too afraid to say those words to him.

'When can I see you again?'

Jimin had wished he had the courage to asked it to Taehyung. And it's like the heavens heard his prayers. Taehyung turn around, looked at him and said.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jimin. Same time"


Hi my dearest humans! Another update for my beloved readers and supporters🤗🌟. Its been raining lately at my hometown, a perfect weather for a short fluff of Vmin🥰.

By the way, I'm dedicating this story to my dearest reader yoonhiii. Thank you so much lovelots🤗.

And also this stories is for you _purple_rainbow. Your comments made my day. Thank you so much🤗🌟

And also Thank you guys for continuing reading, commenting and voting my stories. Love you all🥰🌺


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