Blind Date

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"Pleaseeeee! Taehyungie-hyung!"

Jungkook whined as he beg Taehyung on his knees

"No way Kookie! I won't go to that blind date you set me up secretly behind my back"

"Come on hyung! I already told Jimin your coming! Don't bail him out Pleaseeeee~"

Taehyung sighed for the 9th time. After his past toxic relationship, he swore he won't have one ever again, but Jungkook his one and only best friend set him up on a blind date while using his name (Taehyung's name)

"Just this once, okay? Okay? If you don't like him, just be honest with him and tell him, but I swear Jimin is sooooooooo different from all of the guys you dated"

"Yeah yeah, since, it's you who basically chatted him not me, so you know his personality"

"Oh come on hyung! I'll fill in the details for you. Park Jimin is his full name, same age as you, he lives in busan but is currently staying in Seoul to pursue his dreams of becoming a dancer. He loves to dance obviously, but he have other hobbies like painting, drawing, participating in kendo, taekwondo, judo, etc. Lol, his a gentleman, and smart too, plus his looks are gosh out of this world, has an angelic voice and an eye smile that could send you to heaven!"

"Wow" Taehyung said in a sarcastic way with a few applause

"Ahh! Hyung! Please be serious! Like really! You'll like him, I promise. Plus you don't have to worry about having to explain to him that I wasn't really the true Kim Taehyung he was chatting with . I told him, that I created this app for you to date, since you have zero interest to do so. We was kind of a you know surprise a bit but, he manage, his sooooo understanding, plus 100 points to him!"

"And now I'm required to go?"

"YES! Jimin is so excited to meet you! The real you but at the same time nervous also lol. But don't worry he had gone to so many blind dates already his professional with that"

"And? Aren't you worry about me?"

"Nahh. Anyways hyung Pleaseeeee. For Jimin! Don't ghost him Pleaseeeee"

"Argh, fine. I give up"

"Finally! Yugyeomie owe me 20 bucks!"

"What did you just say?! Did you bet on me?!"

"I said, Yugyeom is on his way to pick me up! Byeeeeee hyungieeee~ Don't forget the date tonight 8pm sharp at the Central Park"


Taehyung was walking towards the central park Jungkook mentioned to him a while ago. In all honesty he didn't feel nervous and he doesn't know why, which is so odd, since it's supposed to be his first time being on a blind date after how many years, he should be nervous right now, should be!

In a distance, Taehyung had already saw a glimpse of the young man, standing in the midst of the park, waiting for him, with the same clothes he described earlier in a chat before he went out.

Jimin was wearing a black pants, and white hoddie, and Taehyung could tell he's quiet nervous fidgeting from time to time, as his head would looked around, waiting for Taehyung.

Taehyung remembered Jungkook telling him that Jimin is afraid to be stood up from blind dates, so that's explains why Jimin would act all nervous and fidgety

Taehyung was wearing black loose pants, white shirt with black V-neck knit on top, he chatted Jimin about what he was wearing and as soon as Jimin saw him coming he gave him a wave. Taehyung wave back, and well, he was kind of a glad he agreed to Jungkook's pleas to him

"H-Hi! Taehyung" Jimin said as soon as they had face each other. And Jungkook is not joking when he had describe Jimin earlier, he was stunning.

"Hi, Jimin. I heard a lot about you from Jungkook"

"Yeah, well, is the same for me, well, that is because I really thought it was you whom I was chatting, not until Jungkook admitted everything"

"On behalf of him, I'm really really sorry about what he did Jimin. He didn't mean to lie and well, scam you or anything. Jungkook is impulsive and would try things without even saying it to me, well not until the last minute. He had done those things many times. Don't worry I scolded him pretty well"

"No, no. Don't apologise Taehyung. And don't scold Jungkook too much, well I was surprised at first but then I heard his explanation. And I was still glad because of him, I meet you"

Taehyung blush upon hearing, and when Jimin saw him he was taken aback from his words

"I-I, w-well, I won't be lying if I didn't tell you I wanted to meet you. I really wanted to meet you"

"O-oh umm. Yeah, at first I actually didn't want to since you know it was sudden for me. But then, I agree. I didn't want to ghost you or something. I'm not like that"

"Yeah, I was contemplating about it too, when Jungkook said he would convince you to go. You didn't know me that much and your friend suddenly wants you to meet me, so it's understandable"

"Well, there's one thing I know about you now. You're really understanding just like Jungkook said to me Jimin. Thank you. And I'm really sorry for Jungkook's behavior. I'm glad I came to see you"

"T-Thanks Taehyung"

"Tae is fine"


"Yup, and we have a lot of time to learn more about each other. I hope to see you more Jimin"

"Me too Tae. Me too"

"So, come on let's go Jimin"

Taehyung immediately, grab Jimin's hand as he lead him to their first activity for the night. Which is watching a movie and Jimin smiled at his gesture excitedly anticipate for this night, hoping he could  be with Taehyung for a very long time

They barely meet, but they feel like they already know each other just by looking at their eyes. Both of them knew their souls are already bond with each other.

And for sure they are 'soulmates' after all.


"How long are we gonna keep watching them Kookie? We've been here for hours already. Leave this two love birds alone" Yugyeom complained, Jungkook suddenly drag him here, they've been hiding behind the bushes

"Shush, you still owe me 20 bucks. Taehyungie-hyung agreed to meet up Jimin. Plusssss, I'm just ensuring that those two finally meet. I'm their cupid after all, I should be watching them"

"Yah! What about me?! Come on! Since we're already here let's go on a date too"

"Ohhh so Yugyeomie wanted to date meee, how cuteeeee"

"Shut up! Now come on, let's go" Yugyeom drag him out of the Bush, intering-locking their fingers. Jungkook could only smile at his boyfriend and skip happily

"Buy me my favorites"

"Yes yes, anything you want"

Hello lovelies! Am I late for valentines day? Lol. Happy Valentines Day!☺️💕

Random update for valentines, anyways I adore Jungkook and Yugyeom ship. They are the cutest second to VMin🤭

Anyways, enjoy your day, pamper yourselves and feel the love lovelies. Have a great day lovelots❣️


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