Mute Boy

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Jimin was sitting at the counter of Seokjin's flower shop watching every people passing by. Whenever his hyung is not around, Seokjin would asked him to looked after his shop. Seokjin owned it and Jimin would most of the time help him manage.

However, everytime Jimin would looked out for the shop a problem always arises. Jimin is mute and everyone in their neighbourhood knows it. Although he was capable of talking years ago, but when that incident happened he stop talking. The doctor said its because of trauma, and since then, people have forgotten the sound of his voice. Even Jimin himself had forgotten.

Jimin being mute is a problem. People made fun of him, and take advantage of this side of him. When he was in highschool, after a year of that incident, he would be bullied through out the school year. His existence are ignore mostly by those people who act as if their blind. While others, would picked on him, asking him for money or sometimes cornering him by a certain place just to bully him. They were confident they won't be caught since Jimin can't scream for help.

After Seokjin found out about what happened, he offered Jimin to come with him as he starts his flower shop business in a new place. And Jimin didn't hesitate to say yes. After Jimin's parents died, Seokjin's parents took Jimin under their custody. Jimin was like their second son. Jimin is forever grateful for them and was happy for the passed years of spending time with them.

Jimin left the city with Seokjin and started their new life in the new place. However, Jimin can't escape his fate. After, transferring to another school his existence was yet again ignored and others would take advantage of him. Seokjin finally decided Jimin to be home schooled in order to avoid further damage to the young boy. Jimin would always get panic attacks and anxiety whenever something bad is happening to him, to the point where he would always loss his consciousness.

The same whenever his in charge of taking care of the shop. Others would sometimes cause a scene, shouting at Jimin and saying rude words to him, whenever he failed to make the request of a certain client that had ordered from the shop. Majority  of those people were of course scammers and just wanted to have a bouquet without paying. Since they knew Jimin is mute and can't do anything and would be easier for them to scam him. It's what those people thought.

Jimin continued watching every person that passed by, his heart starting to throbbed from slow pace to fast whenever he would think of a certain brunette that would passed by.
Actually, the day after they opened Seokjin's flower shop he met this person.

It was love at first sight. The moment that person entered the shop. Jimin was swept away not just by that person's looks but because of his personality. He is the kindest person Jimin had ever meet so far after Seokjin's parents and Seokjin himself. And just like that he had fallen.

The guy would always come to Seokjin's flower shop and would buy a bunch of different flowers everyday. He is an out going person so Seokjin and that guy easily became friends. Jimin on the other hand was too shy to approach. He thought he would break just by being near him. His heart would almost burst from beating so hard and he couldn't take it. So he would just admire him from a distance. He loves seeing the feminine side of that guy, as he would unnoticely tucked his hair behind his ears and would smile lovely. Jimin's eyes would always watched him whenever his in the shop. He is happy enough to be close to him in that proximity.

Jimin's eyes widden the moment that guy appeared. In fact, he entered the shop with a new hair colored that matches his perfect complexion. The brunette guy became a silver haired guy and he was even much more mesmerising than before. Jimin didn't know he was holding his breath.

'Too beautiful' Jimin thought to himself

"Hello Jimin!" the silver haired guy said as he wave a little taken Jimin back to reality

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