Waiting For You

489 26 6

Warning: Mentioning of Suicide, Rape, Bullying, Angst


Park Jimin stared blankly at the examination sheet he got back from his teacher. He scored 100 again even without efforts in studying. Jimin was born genius since then. He never failed any subjects nor got a low grade. He is always at the top and always have a marking score of 100 in every exams he have. Many envied him while most people admire him. Aside from being genius in academics, his also good at sports. He's even good at singing, dancing and in art. He's the perfect package if you asked. To top it all, his looks are to die for. Both boys and girls would beg to be layed by him in bed.

However, the only problematic behavior he has is the fact that he bully only one particular person. And that unfortunate being is no other than Kim Taehyung, the most quiet student in the school.

Jimin's rival in academics

There's not a day where he won't bully Taehyung. Everyday he makes the poor boy suffer. Everyone is aware of it, but they choose to ignore. They're all afraid to opposed Jimin, since he came from one of those prestigious family in Seoul.

Jimin describes his life as nothing but emptiness, to the point he would stare blankly in space just like how he would stare at others and at his achievements. Jimin never felt the excitement he had, but there's an exception

And yes, it's no other than seeing Kim Taehyung.

The only person that makes him feel alive is Taehyung. It made his blood boil and his stomach turns. It even worsens whenever he hurt him. Seeing his messed up face made him smile from ear to ear.

"Jimin you best stopped bullying Taehyung. That poor boy always comes to school with aches in the body" Seokjin one of his friends, scolded him.

Jimin never listened

"You're so dumb you know that?! The only reason you felt alive when you see him it's because you have fallen for him! Don't mix love with bullying! Wake up you stupid!"

"Love? Don't joke with me hyung. It's not love" Jimin said, as irritation starting to resurface from his calmed expression before

Jimin is not familiar with that feeling. He never experience LOVE not even with his parents. He rarely sees his parents since at the age of 5

"Its love Jimin! You just don't get it!"

"Of course I won't get it" Jimin mumbled his words for Seokjin not to hear.

"I'm telling you. If you don't stop doing that, others will start to bully him and you'll regret seeing him in danger"

Jimin didn't say anything

"I better go. Classes are starting soon. Don't forget what I said"

Jimin just looked at Seokjin whose currently walking away. He closed his eyes after, and sigh in frustration. The dullness is back again.

"I need to see Taehyung"

Jimin stood up and search the whole school looking for the person he wanted to see. After eyeing every corner of the school ground he decided to go to the rooftop

It only took seconds for Jimin to reached the rooftop, however he didn't like what he saw.

Taehyung was crying being pinned down by a bunch of asshole. His shirt was gone and his pants are half way lowered

Jimin clenched his teeth and boiled in rage


Without second thoughts he run to them and beat every shit out of them

Jimin didn't let go until they became unconscious. He was like a mad man almost killing everyone.

Taehyung immediately run to Jimin and hug him tight. He was still weak and traumatized but he needed to stop Jimin.

"J-Jimin s-stop p-please"
"Let go Taehyung" Jimin growled at him
"N-no p-please. I-I b-beg you J-Jimin" Taehyung looked at him tears streaming down his face pleading as he clutch on him.

After seeing his state and begging him. Jimin stop what he was doing. He tooked his jacket and covered Taehyung's body. The poor boy was still trembling out of fear. And Jimin knew what Seokjin told him.

He immediately hug Taehyung's body tight and caressed his back to calmed him down

"Its fine now. You're safe now"

Taehyung cried even more as he return Jimin's hug

"I'm sorry Taehyung"

Taehyung gasp and his eyes widden upon hearing Jimin said those words

"I should've realized it sooner. Instead of  denying myself and ended up bullying you"

"Taehyung, I love you. You're the only reason that makes me feel alive. And I don't know what to do without you" Jimin wiped Taehyung's tears away as he caressed his cheeks

"J-Jimin" Taehyung looked at him with sad smile

"I love you too" Taehyung mouthed but Jimin couldn't hear him. He couldn't hear him anymore

"Wake up Jimin"


Jimin was awoken up from his dream

And realized where he was

Tears suddenly fell from his eyes


He said as he looked at the boy whose currently lying in the hospital bed. He caressed and held his hand to give it a kiss

Taehyung attempted suicide a month ago. After having enough of the bullying he received both from his parents and the person he loves.

Taehyung decided to jump on the rooftop leaving a note of love confession addressing to Jimin. He was in love with Jimin the whole time.

Luckily, Taehyung didn't received a heavy blow from falling, as his body was cushioned by the trees. A part of his brain was affected leading him to coma.

And It's been a month since Jimin last saw Taehyung opened his eyes. Jimin felt guilty. He regretted everything he had done. He regretted ignoring his Seokjin-hyung's words, about the fact that he was inlove with Taehyung. He regretted mixing his love from bullying.

He never realized his true feeling not until he saw Taehyung's body lying on the ground lifeless. That was the very first time, everyone heard Jimin's painful screams and cries.

"I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes... Taehyung"

Jimin said as he lean in to kiss Taehyung's forehead, his tears fell from his eyes again one by one


Hello there humans! It's really been awhile😊. Anyways, I hoped you like my first angst story about vmin. And I hoped the plot twist wasn't too much lol. Just give me a comment about your reactions🤭😉

Stay tuned for more🌨️ Love you guys always💜


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