Cornelia Café

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Kim Taehyung is happily eating in the same Cornelia Café, he usually goes too. He was here the other day, and now his here again. Well, it was a given, since Taehyung is what you usually call a "Third Wheel". It's what we call to people whose always with a couple.

Taehyung's best friends, which is Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook are in a relationship. So, whenever his friends have dates, his always there to accompany them. Not that he mind though, since he knows food and other expenses will be free.

Taehyung is the only one whose single in the group. But he didn't mind. He can easily get a boyfriend without a sweat if he wants too since his very beautiful, attractive and kind-hearted. But his currently enjoying his single life. His been in a toxic relationship before. He didn't have anytime for his friends because of that asshole. Everything he does was a "NO" to that person. He eventually he got tired so he broke things off and never again tried to be in a relationship again. He decided to just enjoyed his free time for himself.

And indeed his currently enjoying, third wheeling his best friends dates. He didn't force them to be with him, instead his best friends would always goes to his house and begs him to be there at their dates. He can't say no to them so there he usually was. The other day, Seokjin was on a date with his boyfriend Namjoon and he was again tag along. The day before that Taehyung was with Jungkook and his girlfriend Lisa. And again he was tag along. And now his currently tag along with Hoseok and his boyfriend Yoongi.

The good thing is, Lisa, Namjoon and Yoongi is okay with Taehyung tagging along in there dates. Since they know that Taehyung was adored and love by their boyfriends. Plus, they love Taehyung too, and think of him as a little brother.

Back to the present, Taehyung is happily eating his food which was bought buy Hoseok's boyfriend. Free food he thought. Hoseok and Yoongi looked at him with adoration. This guy is walking fluff ball, so cute. Hoseok was just happy Taehyung was finally out of his previous relationship. He really saw how Taehyung's life was slipping away from him. He barely see Taehyung that time, and he hated that jerk guy for hurting Taehyung.

"Liking the food Taheyungie?" Hoseok asked lovingly
"Yes Hyung! Thank you Hoseok-hyung! Thank you Yoongi-hyung"
"Welcome kiddo" Yoongi smiled and ruffled Taehyung's head.
"I heard from Seokjin-hyung you were with them the other" Hoseok said
"Yep! I was with them. They when to the aquarium and came here too eat"

Hoseok and Yoongi chuckled at Taehyung's day

"And the other day Jungkook and Lisa brought you here and in the amusement Park"
"Yes they did Hoseok-hyung"

Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other and smiled. They urge Taehyung to continue eating his food, which the younger happily obliged.

After eating they decided to go home. As they left the café, the couple walked Taehyung to his apartment which was a few blocks away. Taehyung purposely walk slowly in order for the two to have time together. Although he always accompanied his best friends, Taehyung would still find ways to leave them alone. Like acting that he better go home as he still have a lot of things to do. But honestly, he just want the couple's to have time for themselves. He can read the mode for sure. And he's happy that his best friends are happy in their relationship.

Taehyung smiled happily as he watched the two, hands attached to each other with happy and content faces. His mind was interrupted when he saw a guy whose collecting his paper that fell from the ground. Taehyung immediately went and help the short blond guy, without asking.

"Thank you" the guy said, as Taehyung handed the papers he pick back to him.
"No worries" Taehyung said with a smile and wave as he run to his hyung who was waiting for him in a distant.

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