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Kim Taehyung walked through a maze of rose bushes that could take hours to get out, but he was so familiar with it that it only takes a minute for him to arrive at a certain place which he usual visits especially during nights.

At the end of the maze there's a shed. At the center, it has a table and two chairs, with lots of snacks and tea sets. You could say its like in wonderland, but Taehyung isn't meeting the Mad Hatter. He is meeting someone else. And his name is Park Jimin.

"Tae, you're finally here"

Jimin stood up from his seat as he gave Taehyung a small wave. The younger wave back as he gave Jimin a small smile.

"How's your day?" Jimin immediately asked the moment Taehyung reach his seat.

"Not so"

"Having a bad day?"

"Indeed I do. It was a messed up. Well, reality is a messed up. I wish I could stay here with you"

"You know you can't right?"

"Right. How about you Min? How's life today?"

"Same as always. Someone asked me out today."

"Oh! Wow! Who? The guy who asked you the other day? What was his name? Oh! Right Min Yoongi?"

"Yes, it's him"

"And what did you say to him?"

Taehyung lean in the table as his eyes flutter, making Jimin spill the tea

"U-umm. I-I actually I told him-"

"Yes? Oh! Good for you Min... Opps looks like I'm waking up. Gotta go Min. See you again."

"W-wait Taehyung!"

And with that Taehyung disappeared... Jimin sighed, as he force his self to wake up from his dream.

Yes. Taehyung and Jimin only meets in dreams and its been like that since they were young, until they became grown young gentlemen.

Most of the times, they fear to accept that maybe, they are not real. And that it was just really in dreams.

Upon waking, Jimin sat up from his bed, as he brushed his hair with his hands. Tears glistening his beautiful eyes. He always cries whenever Taehyung disappears from his dreams. Somewhat, he's afraid that maybe one day Taehyung would suddenly fade away. Jimin hid his face between his knees as he sobbs quietly through the night...


Meanwhile, Taehyung woke up on the floor. He fell from his bed again. He usually hates it, because it would mean leaving Jimin in his dreams, but today he was thankful. He didn't want to hear Jimin's response from the question his mouth stupidly asked.

"Today is indeed the worst day ever" He said as he sniffles.

He never want to sleep ever again. How can he face Jimin with a smile, if he knew Jimin is with someone else now? He never meet Jimin in real life, hence is he even real. But there's one thing real and that's Taehyung's feelings for Jimin.


Three nights had passed. As Jimin waited for Taehyung in dreams, but the younger never came after that incident. For those, three nights Jimin would wake up crying. He did not only miss the younger but he was also afraid. Afraid that Taehyung was just indeed a dream and not real. And he didn't like that feeling.

Taehyung on the other hand, didn't sleep for three nights. Instead he only sleeps in the morning to avoid Jimin, and avoid the pain his currently feeling. However, not seeing Jimin is much more heart breaking. What's Worst his worried for the older, so after three nights he decided to meet him again.


Taehyung walked through the rose bushes, as he reached the exit, there stood Jimin waiting for him again. He wasn't waiting at his usual spot, instead he was waiting near the exit. He didn't notice the younger as he hid his face in between his knees again fighting his sobbs, as he thought this maybe the fourth night Taehyung won't come again.

"Min? Why are you here?"

Jimin immediately looked up at Taehyung whose now kneeling in front of him, almost touching his hair, as his face was full of worries for the older.

Jimin didn't waste any time, as he engulf the younger with a hug and cried his heart out.

"I-I w-waited f-for Y-you"

"I-I'm sorry Min. I'm sorry" Taehyung said as he hug the older tighter while carresing his back. He felt guilty for making Jimin cry.

"I-I love you Tae! I-I don't care if you're real or not! I love you! I love you! I love you!"

"I-I thought you like Min Yoongi"

"You idiot! I didn't said I like him! That day, I was gonna tell you I didn't accept his confession. I told him I like someone else. And he respected it. But you suddenly disappeared, and I was planning on confessing to you. And you never came and I-I didn't know what to do-"

Taehyung didn't let Jimin said any more words as he kissed him deeply.

"I love you too Min. All this time"

And with that Taehyung disappeared again...


Taehyung was running for an errand when he accidentally bumped into someone. The guy loses his balance as he almost crashed to the ground but Taehyung immediately held his waist.

Both eyes widden upon seeing each other. They only knew each other through dreams and never meet once in reality, nor they didn't even know if one of them truly exists but here they are now, holding each other in their arms

"Its not a dream right?" Both said in unison, as they slowly pinched each others cheeks and felt sparks.

"You're really real Tae/Min!"



Hi! So I was gonna make this short but, my brain worked so well, so it's almost a thousand words again, as usual... Even so, I hope you liked it✨ Next time it would be much more shorter than this so stay tuned😉


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