Accidental Kiss

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"I can't believe we talked last night!" Jin one of my best friend squealed as he told us about how he and his crush Namjoon talked last night

We are currently at the rooftop of our school eating our lunch

"Oh my hyung! I'm so happy for you!" Jungkook my other best friend also squealed, basically both of them are squealing like cheer girls, being happy because of their love that's soon to be blossoming

Yeah, we all are gays and we aren't scared to show it to others, in fact we are proud and happy to be one

And what's the good thing about our school is that no one dares to bully us. Everyone is so nice and friendly

Everyone except for one, of course... Park Jimin, from the looks of it he hated me to the core

"Last night, I also saw Min Yoongi and we even ride the same bus" Jungkook added and Jin continued to squeal as I look at them smiling

Well, I'm happy as long as they're happy

"How about you Tae? Isn't there anyone you're interested?" Jin suddenly asked me out of nowhere

"You know I'll tell you both when I have. Right?"

"Oh Taehyung hyung is right Jin hyung" Jungkook agreed easily nodding his head

"Haven't you experience love at first sight yet?" Jin hyung asked again, as I just sighed and shooked my head

I didn't experience love at first sight, nor love itself. It never cross my mind. And I'm happy just being myself, relationship aren't what it's seems anyway. At first its happy then, in the end it will make you sad much worse it will make one person miserable

"Not yet hyung" I replied to Jin hyungs question but Jungkook being a Jungkook he brought up another unexpected issue

"He didn't experience love at first sight nor love Jin hyung, but~~~ he did had his first kiss" Jungkook grin as Jin hyung covered his mouth out of shock

This blabber mouth bunny, I ought to kill him one of these days!

"You what?! How come I didn't know that?!" Jin hyung shouted looking at me

"Relaxed hyung. That was an accident. I didn't tell you because it wasn't necessary" I said trying to calm him down

"Okay spill the tea" Jin said, waiting as if he was anticipating it.

"Kookie tell him" I said lifelessly, I didn't want to hear this over and over again, because it reminded me of that person

"Okay! So remember our first day of school hyung during second year?"

"Uhum? And?"

"Well, Taehyung hyung and I were at the lockers barely arriving, when accidentally someone pushed him really hard, making him fall over to the other person next to our locker. And that person was no other than Park Jimin!?"

"Park Jimin!? Park Jimin was your first kiss!? The Park Jimin!?" Jin hyung shouted snapping his head towards me and looking intensely

"Yes it's him. And don't shout hyung the whole school can hear you" I said to him in a calming tone

"And! Here comes the climax! Taehyung was push by someone and ended up falling over towards Jimin which results them to accidentally kiss!?" Jungkook said as he laughed again loudly remembering that stupid scene. Jin hyung is now laughing with him.

Arghh. Dammit

"That was really an accident" I told them almost million times already

"Jimin probably hated Taehyung hyung as he ignores his existence all those years or maybe it's the opposite~~" Jungkook snickers as he cooed while Taehyung rolled his eyes

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