You From Afar

483 31 3

Warning: Mention of Rape


Park Jimin was in daze. Not because of the weather but because of a certain brunette that came inside the classroom a few minutes ago

Kim Taehyung is the name of the boy that caught Jimin's eyes. If you let Jimin describe him, he would say he's 'Ethereal'.

However, Kim Taehyung is cold hearted and distant towards the people around him. So, he's hard to approach.

Jimin wouldn't mind trying to talked to him but his friends would stop him from doing so. Jimin really wanted to know what made the younger cold to the core. He was curious at the same time he was in love.

He was deeply in love with Taehyung indeed. To the point he would dream about him during night. In a good way, Jimin thought.

His urges to talked to the brunette remained even through years. Yes, they've been classmates for years already. But even until now, he can only watch him from afar.

"Jimin! Jimin!" Jimin was yanked from his daze state when he heard his friend Hoseok calling out his name.

"H-huh? Wha-what?"
"Gosh! Jimin I've been calling you for a while now!"
"I'm sorry hyung. I was in daze"
"Yes you've been in daze since Kim Taehyung came in"
Jimin didn't say anything but remained silent, a blush was visible in his face

"You know what, you should forget you're feelings for him. It's obvious you don't have a chance. Well, not just you even other people doesn't have a chance. Look at him his close off. It's utterly impossible"

Jimin didn't say a thing. 'Nothing is impossible if I wish harder' He thought to himself.

"Anyways, what I'm trying to say, is you should find a new love. Someone that would look your way, the same way you did"
"Then, is there someone like that hyung?"
"There is! You just didn't notice since you won't mind your surroundings except Taehyung's"

Jimin just hummed in response but his eyes lingers on Taehyung's side profile whose currently looking outside in a distance. No one notice, but Jimin saw his sadness, hurt and betrayed expression. Jimin wanted to comfort him so badly right now.

'Who made you looked like that?' Jimin send him his thoughts as if they were connected Taehyung stopped looking at a distant and buried his eyes on Jimin the moment he looked at him. To which made Jimin surprised a bit

"Jimin! I've been talking here and you're not even listening!"
"O-ohh. Hyung I'm sorry"
"Hayst. What would I do with you. Anyways, like I said, u-umm r-remember Min Yoongi?"
"Yeah, what about him hyung?"
"W-well, that time when I asked you to join me in a blind date. U-umm he told me his interested in you and wanted to asked your number"

Jimin was just listening but his eyes never left Taehyung

"Did you gave it hyung?"
"N-no I-I wanted to asked you first"
"Is that why you're telling me to find new love?"
"Y-yeah" Hoseok said but it was obvious sadness lingers from his words. Jimin knew Hoseok fell for Yoongi the moment he saw him. But, he didn't tell his hyung he waited until Hoseok opens up to him about it.

"Well, I like Yoongi-hyung. He is kind, considerate, down to earth and easy to talked with. But I don't feel anything towards him hyung. Plus, I can't give up my feelings for Taehyung. He's been in my heart for all I know. It's not easy to forget and move on"

"I see. He'll be sad to hear this"
"But hyung, you can always cheer him up. You like him right hyung? Go for it. I'm sure his heart will change once he get to know you"
"Y-yah! H-how d-did you know?!"
"For goodness sake hyung! We've been friends since diapers! I can read you like a paper"

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