We Don't Talk Anymore

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The quiet corridors started to get noisy as students came one by one

Kim Taehyung, whose currently sitting at the back of the classroom, not minding his classmates endless laughs and talks, as he was listening to a particular song, that he keeps on replaying non-stop since then...

*We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do
We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
Oh, we don't talk anymore
Like we used to do

I just heard you found the one you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me
'Cause even after all this time, I still wonder
Why I can't move on
Just the way you did so easily*

He was so immersed at the song lyrics and the scene outside, he failed to notice a certain someone whose looking at him the moment he entered the classroom.


Its been minutes since Park Jimin entered the classroom, and his eyes never leaves a certain someone. He has been looking at the boy, since he entered the room. Eventhough he was greeted by a lot of people, his gaze was at the blue haired boy whose wearing headphones while looking outside.

"He'll melt" Jimin jolted, the moment his best friend Jung Hoseok nudge him and said those words

"Shut up" is the only word he can utter.

True, if Taehyung was an ice cream he'll probably be melt by now, as Jimin keeps staring at him

"It's obvious you still love him, why don't you approach and talked to him again" Hoseok started as he keeps on looking at both Jimin and Taehyung

"You know I can't do that. He'll never forgive me, ever" Jimin said, it was obvious his feeling hurt from the words he said

Hoseok just sighed, and drop the topic, he can't go any further or Jimin will probably break

Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung had a past everyone knows, and it's something people can't talk about



Taehyung, immediately looked at the person who called his name and tapped his shoulders. It was his classmate Soojin.

"Mrs. Wang wants you to come to the teachers office" Soojin continued as Taehyung nodded and thank the boy for informing him.

He stood up from his seat, and started walking out of the room. His classmates stopped talking and laughing as they all gaze Taehyung.

Indeed, Taehyung was a beauty. Everything about him is ethereal, his movements, his eyes, his lips, his face, his buit, his height, and his voice.

Its obvious almost everyone likes him, except for a certain someone he usually thinks off.

Eventhough they don't talked anymore like they use too. Taehyung always thinks of him. But he also can't stop the hurting feeling he has when he thinks of that person.

His almost out of the room when he heard Hoseok called out to him.


He immediately looked back, and he didn't expect to see a certain someone next to Hoseok

*I didn't notice he was here* Taehyung thought at the back of his mind

He just wave at Hoseok, and continued to walked away. Of course, his still friends with Hoseok, even though after that happened.

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