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After being intoxicated by excessive alcoholic beverages Park Jimin drank until he can't remember in a famous club which he always goes too during the struck of 12 midnight, he went outside and  immediately scope up the phone that he hid on his pocket and redial the number he had memorize all through his life.

To his surprise the call was connected after exactly three rings, and he heard the voice his been missing for almost 2 years.

*Jimin I know you're drunk. Stop bothering me*

"I-I k-keep on calling this number for two years every night Tae. And this is the first time it got through"

Its even more surprising that Jimin immediately got sober after hearing that  voice

*I know that damn too well*

Jimin's heart sunk after hearing the other person's voice full of hurt.

He can hear him sigh frustratingly

*What do you want?*

"Tae, I miss you"

*Jimin don't start*

"But I-I r-really miss you"

*Isn't it a bit too late for that Jimin. It's been two years*

"I know! But you're still on my mind and my heart Tae. I still love you"


"I-I k-know I fuck up Tae. But believe me I-I didn't mean to hurt you"


"I know it's my fault Tae. My drunkness isn't an excuse for the way I cheated on you. I'm sorry. I broke your heart, your trust, our relationship. I broke us Tae. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry"


"T-Tae I would do anything for you to come back to me"


"Tae Baby please"


"Baby please"


"Tae Baby come back to me"


"S-say s-something Tae"


Jimin broke into loud sobs. But the younger didn't say a word. It made Jimin felt miserable.

After he accidentally cheated on Taehyung two years ago, making out with a girl on a bed while he was drunk. The two of them separated ways.

Taehyung leaving silently without saying a thing.

Jimin looked for him for two years after he disappeared without a trace. He keep on dialing the same number every night but it didn't connect. But tonight was the very first time his call got connected to Taehyung's.

"T-Tae I-I w-will keep on loving you. E-Even if you don't love me the s-same w-way"


"It won't change Tae"


Jimin's eyes widden the moment the call was cut. He redialed the number, but just like the same night it didn't got through. Jimin keep on redialing the number as big fat tears falls from his eyes at the same time. His lips quiver as his breathing became frantic, his small hands starts to trembles as he continues redialing the number over and over again, but to no avail Taehyung's number didn't rang again.

After many tries Jimin hid his face in between his knees suppressing his uneven sobs and tears, as he clutch tightly unto his phone. Panic attacks starts to arose again, he didn't have it since the day of Taehyung's disappearance. But now, here it is visiting him again like the nightmares he had every night.

This is one of the reasons why his always in this club drinking his heart out until morning. To escape his nightmares.


Jimin was taken aback by the sound of his phone, slowly he looked up at the ID caller and to his surprise it was the number he was redialing minutes ago. He immediately answered it without hesitation.


*Where are you?*

"O-outside the famous c-club"

*Oh I see you*

Jimin's eyes widden again, and like an impulse he turn his head frantically looking for the person he longed to see after two years.

*Don't move too much or you'll feel dizzy. I'm right in front of you, just across the street. And I still love you stupid Jimin*

After Jimin saw Taehyung's figure he didn't waste time as he run towards him, held his waist and gave Taehyung a kiss like there's no tomorrow.


Hi my dear humans! I'm back again but this time with a short vmin story, hopefully you'll like it🤭 Stay tuned as always. I'll keep on coming back for more😉

Dedicating this story to DipaliJambkar
Thank you for reading my stories😊


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