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Park Jimin was in daze during class, not because he was bored of their lesson, but because of a certain person whose sitting two seats ahead of him

It was none other than Kim Taehyung his classmate and the school nerd. Well, don't get him wrong, he doesn't looked at him because he was weirded by him, in fact he was looking at the younger because Jimin knew he was falling


"What did you say Mr. Park?" Jimin's teachers suddenly asked him

Jimin was taken a back when he suddenly realized he said those words out loud. Everyone looked at him and laugh while others snickers and others just didn't mind

"N-Nothing Miss" Jimin answer as he hid his head at his desk blushing hard, knowing that Taehyung was looking at him earlier

"Please set aside your love life first and focus on my lesson Mr. Park" His teacher tease and everyone laugh except for one

Jimin curse his mouth for saying those words out loud, while still hiding from his desk. He slowly took a peek to see if Taehyung was looking at him and he did, Jimin was blushing even more than before

After the last ring of the bell, Jimin immediately went out of the classroom and put some books he didn't need, while the other books are on his bag ready to be taken home. When his classmates pass by him they either whistle at him or tease him about what happened earlier at class and Jimin would just react in a shy manner.

He didn't went home immediately. He was still waiting for the person he wanted to see the most before going home. And yes, here comes Taehyung approaching his locker which is just beside Jimin's locker.

Jimin acted rummaging something at his locker while he still glances to the younger, whose currently busy putting his books and such. When Taehyung was done, Jimin lowered his head to the ground hoping he didn't see him secretly glancing at the younger

"Bye, Jimin" Taehyung said as soon as he walked away. Taehyung never fails to say goodbye to him despite of them not talking much

"B-Bye T-Taehyung" Jimin always stuttered whenever Taehyung bids him goodbye everytime

Nope slash that, Jimin always stutters when it come to Taehyung in general. He had fallen for the younger to the extent he can't barely initiate a talk to him or even get to be near him, but his desires to get closer to the younger grows and grows everytime

You'll be surprise how Jimin ended up falling for Taehyung

At first it was out of curiosity. Curious at the first time he saw him, curious as to why Taehyung was always alone, curious cause his always at Jimin's eye line sight whenever they are, at school or outside. Then, comes to wanting to know him, Jimin wanted to know Taehyung's personality so he observe him, and nope he is not a stalker, it just happens whenever Taehyung was Jimin was coincidentally there. He learned Taehyung's simple, gentle and helpful personality. He helped lots of their classmate having troubles with the lesson, teaching them secretly, he also helped lots of old people, bringing their groceries or helping them cross the streets, not only he help people but also animals, Taehyung would feed every stray cats or dogs he would see on streets. He also appreciate simple things in life, like the flower on a ground, the rain, the sun, the sky

Then, comes to falling. After observing the younger for months Jimin fell for him deeply. Who wouldn't fall for an angel like Taehyung? He is Jimin's ideal guy. The apple of his eyes.

He dreams to talk to him without stuttering, he dreams to hold his hand, to see him smile, to hear his laugh, accept his flaws (if he have one, cause for Jimin, Taehyung is an angel), to know how his day went, to be there for him whenever his sad, to soothe his pain away, to give him hugs, to kiss his lips, to shower him love.

Entirely, Jimin just want to become a part of Taehyung's life

And Jimin wishes, and prays for it to happen someday


The next day, Jimin came early. He knew Taehyung always comes to class earlier than any other students. His not expecting his self to talk to Taehyung, but rather he just want to steal glances from younger since its a rare sight for him to see and be around with Taehyung and Taehyung only

However, fate has different plans

As soon, as Jimin got nearer to their class room, he heard a sudden confession of voice coming from an unknown person, and Taehyung's voice as he replied

"I'm sorry, but I already like someone" Taehyung said loud enough for Jimin to hear crystal clear. Jimin was not confessing to Taehyung currently, but he felt like he is. Tears starts to fall from Jimin's eyes, and a loud and sudden sobs escape his lips.

"Whose there?" Taehyung was a bit surprised. And without second thoughts, Jimin sprinted away from that place, he left his belongings on the ground not caring to take any of it as he wanted to get away immediately

Of course Taehyung would like someone, Jimin was cursing his stupid self for having delusion that the boy he likes is not interested in someone. Turns out Taehyung had already someone he truly likes

Jimin continues sobbing as he run. He didn't realized Taehyung calling from behind running after him. Not until, he caught Jimin's wrist and turn towards him


Jimin was taken aback. Why was Taehyung suddenly in front of him?!

"L-Let me go" Jimin stuttered, his having mixed emotions from being hurt to feeling the butterflies in his stomach as Taehyung held his wrist

"Why are you running away?"

Jimin couldn't speak he was dumbfounded by Taehyung's sudden question


"Tell me Jimin"

"I-I heard someone C-confess to you"


"I-I heard everything"

"Then, you did you cry?"

"T-Taehyung s-stop-"

"Why did you run away?"


"Tell me again Jimin"

"It's because I like you Taehyung! A-and I-I heard you like someone already. I was hurt, I was heartbroken. S-so I R-run I C-cry"

Jimin looked at Taehyung with devastating eyes. Hurt, Broken, Sad all the negativities you can think off is seen in his face. But Jimin was puzzled as to why Taehyung looked at him fondly

Taehyung slowly hug the older tight and sigh in relief, Jimin was frozen in place, bewildered as to why Taehyung acted this way

"Yeah I like someone. And its You" Taehyung says after

Soon, Jimin's cries was heard in the hallway, and Taehyung could only chuckled and wiped his tears away

"Took you long enough to confess Jimin pabo"



It's been a while... I hope life is treating you well...🌨️


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