Miracle II

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Jimin couldn't go back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night

Good thing it's weekend today, and he didn't have school...

As morning came, he immediately went to the shower and prepared himself. After doing so, he went out of the room, and was surprise to see his friends still in his house. He smiled looking at their sleeping faces. Jimin was so lucky to even meet them.

"Your finally awake? Are you feeling okay now?" Seokjin whose always the first one to wake up, came up to him.

"Good Morning Hyung. Sorry for dragging you all in this."

"What are you saying? We're friends remember, so obviously we'll be involve in whatever you do"

Jimin giggled at Seokjin's odd way of saying his concerns...

As they settled down in the kitchen, in which Seokjin was preparing everyone's breakfast. Jimin who was sitting on the dining area  suddenly told his hyung about his dream last night

"Hyung, last night I dream about Taehyung" Jimin said

"It's been years since you last dream about him right?" Seokjin asked, as Jimin slowly nodded

"Tae was telling me to live" Jimin gave off a sad smile

Seokjin didn't say anything, and remained silent. Jimin didn't know, everyone is already awake and listened to his story

"But, the odd thing is. Taehyung suddenly said to me, he will see me soon. What does it mean hyung? Am I dying soon hyung?"

"You're not gonna die!" Everyone shouted, which made Jimin flinch a bit. On the door, his friends were standing, with an odd looked on their faces...

"Didn't Taehyung said you have to live? Then that means, your still going to be alive for years. And about his last words to you-" Namjoon explained but then suddenly stop, as he thought of the impossible thing. Everyone was eager and waiting for Namjoon to continued his explanation. So he decided to tell them, although its oddly impossible. Not unless there's still a possibility

"I know Taehyung is in good hands now, but judging from his words, I think his probably alive but then again it's just a dream. It couldn't mean anything. Right?"

"Right!" Everyone agreed while Jimin remained silent.

"Argh! I don't know okay? It's just an hypothesis. But we all know his not in this world anymore so its oddly impossible. But then again, Taehyung could be alive somewhere. He probably survived or something like that. It's just my wishful thought."

Everyone went silent upon hearing that possibilities...

"I'm not saying this to give you hope. It's just a probability and we really don't know what happened after that. Your parents just stated the probability that he is already dead because, they knew Taehyung at that time was already dying." Namjoon added.

Everyone still remained silent after that. Even though, they didn't see Taehyung in person, somehow their attached to his existence, as if they've been friends with him all this years.

"Ahem! Anyways let's eat and forget this tension for now. We are going out after this" The older suggested for a breather, just to ease up the tension around them, and everyone agreed to it.


So after discussing on where to go, they finally decided to go back to the beach for a picnic.

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