Boy In Love

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Kim Taehyung was so tired that he slept all day without even eating. He's been staying late for 5 nights finishing his master piece of art he was going to submit by the end of the week, and at long last his concern was over. His finally submitting tomorrow morning. And so, he decide to sleep his tiredness away.

It was around night time, when he was awoken by a hand caressing his hair and a gentle voice calling his name. He mumbled "5 more minutes", but the other refuse to do so.

"You haven't eaten yet, so you have to get up Tae"

It was no surprise to him who the person was since he knows only one person that can easily let his self in his condominium. His one and only best friend Park Jimin

Taehyung sigh as he slowly rose up from his bed, eyes still close. He heard Jimin chuckled and mess his har a bit.

"As much as I want you to rest, but I can't do that while your stomach is empty Tae. You know that I love you so"

And there goes the line which always wakes Taehyung up fully. His face blush as soon as he heard Jimin said those words, good thing Jimin was already out of his room. It's been 2 weeks since he heard those three letters escape from Jimin's lips. At first he brush it off but he would hear it more often, there was never a day Jimin wouldn't tell him that he loves him.

He thought its because he is Jimin's one and only best friend, although sometimes he wish it would be even more than that. His been in love with Jimin ever since, but he had never shown it to him, nor tried to confess. Taehyung was already contented to be by his Jimin's side.

After composing his self, he get up from his bed and went to where Jimin was


"Damn it" Jimin mumbled, as his face lit up red. He curse his stupid lips for accidentally saying I love you to Taehyung. Hoping Taehyung won't give too much thought about it.

Park Jimin is currently standing in front of the door of his one and only best friend contemplating whether he will enter or he would run back to his dorm. Seeing Taehyung would make his heart go wild and he can't help it.

But then he received a text message from his Seokjin telling him that Taehyung was sleeping all day without eating. And without second thoughts he came running to Taehyung's condominium.

Truth to be told his been avoiding the younger for 2 weeks already, but not because he dislike him it was actually the opposite around. His been in love with his best friend since they were in junior high. In fact, you could call him the best actor for acting he didn't love the younger in a romantic way. His so good at hiding his feelings that, lucky even Taehyung can't notice.

But, the only person who could see through the love in his eyes is none other than his hyung Seokjin.

"You can fool others but not me Jimin" Seokjin stated after his been observing Jimin's gestures whenever Taehyung is around. And Jimin admitted it without second thoughts.

Okay, so back to the story, as I said, Jimin has been avoiding Taehyung for 2 weeks. Since those past 2 weeks, he couldn't contain his feelings anymore. In short, he had this tendency to almost speak his heart out. For the past 2 weeks his been telling Taehyung that he loves him, but lucky he thank the heavens that Taehyung pays no mind about it.

After composing his self, he entered Taehyung's pass code and let his self in. His feet lead him to where Taehyung is and he saw the younger sleeping soundlessly.

He didn't disturb the sleeping boy, and decided to caress his hair and smiled gently.

*End Of Flashback*


Jimin was taken a back, his been in daze without knowing. He didn't realized Taehyung has been calling him for a minute now.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked concerns are shown in his eyes. Jimin almost wanted to kiss him, but he tried his best not too

"I'm okay Tae" Jimin said as he gave Taehyung a gentle smile, hugging him for now.

"Are you sure?"

"100% sure"

"That's good then" Taehyung smiled

"How's your master piece?"

"Good. I finally finished it at 3am"

"Can I see it?"

"Hmm. I'll show you later"

"I can't wait. However, let's eat first"



After eating their dinner, Taehyung lead Jimin to his art room to show his art piece. Jimin was so excited, he loves Taehyung's art. In fact, he loves everything about Taehyung. And his been wishing that someday, he'll be able to finally tell him how he truly feels.

"Here it goes" Taehyung said, as he pull the piece of cloth that he put on his painting.

Jimin gasp, it was a painting of a certain boy standing in a vast flower field of purple looking at the shimmering stars on a starry night.

"What's it called?"

Taehyung remained silent for a while before he smiled and said

"Boy in Love"

Jimin remained silent as he studied Taehyung's expression.

"Have you ever been in love Tae?"

Taehyung was taken a back by Jimin's sudden question. How would he answer? Yes! It's you! No, no, no, Taehyung didn't want to say those words in front of Jimin, because what if, he doesn't love him back. This is one of the reasons why Taehyung never tried to confess.

"A-Always been" Taehyung shyly said,

"With who?"

"W-who?" Taehyung questioned back, as he looked at Jimin in the eyes. He was surprised to see Jimin's hurtful expression.

Why are you looking at me with those hurtful eyes Jimin?


Its always been you Jimin...

"I-It's a-always been y-you" Taehyung said as he shut his eyes close. He could feel his face heating up

"F-for real?"

Taehyung nodded, still his eyes are close but soon, he opened it as he feel Jimin's lips on his.

"I too, always and forever love you Tae"


Hello my dearest humans it's been really a while. Sorry for not updating for 4 months. As a compensation, here is another VMin fluff story. Christmas Gift for my dearest readers🥰🥰🥰

Dedicating this story to nikkiimin
Thank you for reading and voting🥰
Stay tuned for more🤭


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