Typical Romance

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Taehyung was again burying his face in the book his currently reading. He didn't have a class on a particular subject so he decided to go to the library. He was so focus on the book that he flinched when someone hug him from behind. He immediately looked at the person with confusion but that soon change when he saw his boyfriend Jimin.

"Minnie" He engulf the shorter with a hug, inhaling his vanilla scent, as the older chuckled and hug his tall boyfriend back

"I was in your classroom and notice you weren't there"
"Hmm. I wanted to read, so I came here"
"It's almost lunch time anyway. Let's go out and eat"
"Okay, let me get my things first"


The two were eating their lunch, when Jimin's friend went up to them

"Jimin-ah" Hoseok wave at him as they got nearer.

"Oh! Hello Taehyungie!"
"Hello, Hyung"
"What's up Hyung?" Jimin asked
"Oh! Right! Jimin were having a get together tonight. Jungkook just came from Busan and Jin-hyung wanted us to welcome him"
"Oh, umm I can't go Hyung. I already asked Taehyung for a date tonight"

Taehyung's face softened, even if Jimin had important things to do, he never failed to put Taehyung first before himself. This is why Taehyung fell in love with him.

"Oh really? That's a shame. Oh well, next time we'll tell you in advance"
"No Hyung Jiminie coming to the get together tonight. Tell Jin-hyung"
"Really?! Thanks Taehyungie you're the best!" And with that Hoseok wave them goodbye as he run off to somewhere

Taehyung looked at Jimin whose currently pouting

"Babe you don't have to do that. You know you're my first priority" Jimin said, as he held Taehyung's hand rubbing it with his thumb.

"Babe, I know I'm your first priority, but still I want you to have fun. Besides, Jungkookie is coming, didn't you missed him. I'm sure he miss you too. So, go and attend the get together" Taehyung smiled

Taehyung knew Jungkook and Jimin are childhood best friends. He didn't want Jimin to miss that opportunity to be with his friends. Plus, Taehyung knew how Jimin's past relationships were, and It wasn't healthy if you asked him. Jimin's ex won't let him see his friends or enjoy a bit of his life.

"Babe~" Jimin immediately stood from his seat and went to Taehyung hugging him tight. Taehyung just chuckled at his gesture as he hug the older back

"I love you. You're the best!" Jimin whispered, and kiss the youngers cheeks
"I love you too" Taehyung said, as he smiled


It was already 8:30pm, and Taehyung was reading a book again. Jimin texted him that he arrived at Jin's place safely hours ago, and didn't hear anything from the older after. Taehyung turn off his phone and charge it for a while.

"I hope he won't catch a cold and I hope his enjoying his night" Taehyung thought, as he suddenly remembered Jimin. It was odd, but for some reason Taehyung suddenly miss Jimin's presence. To distract his self from thinking of the older, he focuses on his books, reading page after page, until he didn't realized the time.

Looking at the clock it's already 11:30pm, so he decided its time for bed, but then he remembered he charge his phone. So he went and unplugged it from the charger and turn it on. And before he could use it his phone suddenly rang

He's face went pale when he saw the caller

"Oh no! Jimin must be worried?!" Taehyung immediately answered his phone and he flinched when he heard the older on the other line

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