From Art And Dance Department

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Kim Taehyung is bored again, so he decided to go out of his apartment and roam around the streets. In all honesty, he never leaves his place except when he buys his groceries or went to school. He's been cope up in his room, thinking of new ideas to paint.

He took the course of Arts and Science Major in Art History. He's pretty popular in the Art Department, but he is not aware of it. Taehyung is only interested in art works compared to human relations. He only have one best friend named Kim Seokjin who owns a cafe. And its been a while since he last saw him so he decided to visit him this very night.

After 15 minutes of walking he arrived at Seokjin's cafe and Seokjin was surprise to see him indeed, the moment he entered the cafe.

"Taehyung!? OMG! I thought you were dead!"
"Hyung don't exaggerate"
"You didn't contact me for days! And I never saw you! And you tell me I'm exaggerating?! I thought you're dead you stupid alien!"
"Alright Alright stop the nagging. I'm sorry Hyung. I was immersed with my current painting I forgot you existed"
"You what?! You mothe—"
"I miss you hyungieeeeee"

Taehyung immediately hug Seokjin. He knew Seokjin is gonna shower him with different cusses in different languages and he'll be doomed.

"Hmmp! I'll let you go for now but we'll be talking about this shit again"

Taehyung gulped as he nodded obediently at Seokjin. There small reunion was cut short when a customer from the corner suddenly choke and cough many times. Seokjin immediately went to help him. The guy was still coughing while his three other friends help him out as Seokjin assisted them.

Taehyung just shrugged and set near the counter thinking of what to eat and what to buy in the groceries after, but soon he gave up thinking. It was too much for his exhausted brain.

After a few minutes Seokjin went back to Taehyung and asked him his order

"What do you want to eat? It's on me."
"Really Hyung?! I can't think of anything so you can choose something for me"
"Alright you lazy alien"
"Oh! And Hyung can you list me some groceries I could buy?"
"It's about time you think of eating. I already have the list, since I was planning to visit you the next day. Good thing you remembered me you ungrateful child"
"Awweee Hyung! You're the best! That's why I love you!"
"Shut up! I'm still offended when you forgot about me! Anyways, I'll be back with your food"
"Okay Hyung. Thank you very much!"

Taehyung happily waited for his food. He decided to think more ideas of his art work, as he wrote it in his notebook. He started smiling as he thought about great ideas. It's a good thing he went out [he thought]. He was so immersed on his own world again that he failed to notice a certain silver haired guy looking at him from a distance


Park Jimin, the silver haired guy was looking at Taehyung with lovestruck eyes. He can't believe he's seeing him in this cafe and he thank the heavens for hearing his prayers. Jimin and Taehyung goes to the same school, however chances of seeing the younger is more than 2 times a week. As he always locked his self in their Department Art Room. The younger rarely even went to the school cafeteria. Jimin wanted to talked to him for a very long time, but he couldn't have any chances of penetrating Taehyung's life.

He wish to be a part of it so badly. To the point he would day dream about going to school with him, carrying his bag and art work supplies for him, helping the younger with his school works, making sure he would eat on time whenever Taehyung would forget, bringing him food, walking home together, waiting for him to finish all his works, cook for him and staying by his side all the time.

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