Strawberries And Cigarettes

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It was already 12am and Kim Taehyung was still wide awake rereading their lessons. He's always been the model student of their school since the beginning. He's smart, kind, approachable, down to earth, understanding, and can be lean on. All the teachers and students love him very much, to the point that his gender identity is known and no one minds at all. For them, Taehyung is Taehyung, nothing and no one can change it.

However, people tend to question why Kim Taehyung is friends with Park Jimin.

Park Jimin is known for being a bad boy, trouble maker, noisy, flirt, rule breaker, and a bad influence. However, teachers never dared to be nosy to his business, as Park Jimin himself is a genius. Even if he won't come to class for a month, he would ended up having high scores in every exams and activities.

Taehyung and Jimin are complete opposite. They are like the sun and moon of their school. And even up to now others are still wondering how they ended up being friends and how they get along with each other very well despite of being indifferent.

The most oddest thing is that Taehyung is the only one who can tame Jimin. Whenever Jimin would start another mischief Taehyung would always be there to stop the older and he would.

On the other hand, no one would even dare to bully Taehyung, as Jimin claimed he will kill whoever lays a hand on Taehyung

Its almost as if they own each other. One time someone brave enough tried to asked the two about their relationships but they replied in unison

"We're bestfriends"

And since then, no one dared to asked again. The two have secrets they couldn't tell others but it was of course obvious to their friends...

So, currently Taehyung was still reading his lesson when suddenly his phone ring. He didn't need to looked at the id caller as he already know who calls him this late at night

"Whats the matter Min?" Taehyung  asked upon answering the call.

*Didn't I tell you to sleep early Tae*

Jimin's voice sounded so demanding but Taehyung was already used to it. Jimin would usually get mad at him for staying late at night

"Hmm. Just a few more reads then I'll sleep"

*Is there something you didn't understand in the lesson?*

"Yeah, it's about the calculus"

*Alright then*

After saying those words the line was cut off. Taehyung looked at his phone and shrugged as he continued reading.
After 25 minutes Jimin called him again

*Open the door* Jimin said, as Taehyung slowly rose up from his seat, phone was still on his ears and went down the stair and walked to the front door opening it. Jimin stood there with a bag full of chocolates and candies, a pack of strawberries which Taehyung's love and a packet of cigarettes.

Taehyung eyes twinkled the moment he saw the strawberries but then he suddenly pouted upon seeing the cigarette pack.

"I told you to not smoke" Taehyung looked at Jimin, his eyebrows are starting to crooked as he pouts even more...

Jimin just smiled at how cute Taehyung looked as he pinched his nose.

"Just for tonight Tae" He pleaded, as Taehyung just sighed and nodded in defeat

He couldn't say no to Jimin. As Jimin did smoked even before he and Taehyung meet. So, the younger can only remind him for now to lessen his use of cigarettes.

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