Love Me

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Taehyung's Pov

"I love you Kim Taehyung. Please go out with me!"

"Thank you, But I'm sorry Jimin"

After I rejected Jimin's confession, he change drastically. He became someone I barely know

I can hear his name almost everywhere in school

'Jimin sleep with this girl'

'Jimin hooked up with this guy'

'Jimin partied a lot last night'

'Jimin hosted a party inviting everyone'

'Jimin is so cool'

'Jimin is handsome'

'Jimin got drunk and laid the most popular girl in school'

Something like that, and many too mention

And I'm on the other hand was named "Cold-hearted" just because I rejected Jimin

I reject Jimin's confession not because I dislike him. Its because, I don't understand love at the time

I came from a broken family, my Dad leaving my Mom for another Woman. My Mom who would be gone by day and went home at night drunk, not caring for me and my siblings.

Since then, I see LOVE as pointless. It only ruins everyone

So when the moment Jimin told me he love me. I froze. Cause I don't get it.

The only Love I have, is my love for my siblings. I became their standing parent and I don't have time for love


"Tae! Let's hang out!" Hoseok shouted from a distance  the moment he saw the younger exiting their classroom.

"Sorry Hyung! I have a part time job" Taehyung shouted back waving his Hyung goodbye, as he turn around and run out

Hoseok sighed, as he shooked his head. He guess there will be a next time for Taehyung to hang out with him

"Sorry Jimin. I doubt Taehyung can come" Hoseok said the moment Jimin appeared next to him, watching the silhouette of Taehyung, his expression was saddened

Jimin decided to throw another party, for Hoseok to invite Taehyung, but then again, that plan failed. He tried many times for Taehyung to be lured to his place. Throwing parties and invites everyone, but the one he most expect to come never came.

Jimin was still devastated by Taehyung rejection. His been hooking up with every person he lays just to forget the younger, but he can't.

He still loves Taehyung despite of that

"You really love him huh?" Hoseok asked suddenly

"So much"

Hoseok sighed, knowing the real reason why Taehyung can't reciprocate any feelings to everyone who confesses to him, but of course he can't tell Jimin. He doesn't have the right. And he swore to Taehyung to never tell anyone.

"Fighting!And stop being a hoe to everyone, Taehyung can hear you're reputation everywhere he goes" Hoseok said as he patted Jimin's back for comfort


After ending his shift Taehyung went home tiredly. He can't even sleep right away since he still have to study. It's very difficult for him to be a student in the morning and a partimer in the evening, plus taking care of his siblings, since his Mom had forgotten his obligation as their parents

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