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"Jiminie!" Taehyung suddenly shouted

It was 2am when he woke up from his sleep, breathing heavily. After he realized he was dreaming, tears that formed in his eyes, started to fall to his cheeks. He hid his face in between his hands as he sobbs loud enough for his cat name 'sundance' to hear. The cat immediately went up to his side purring as he comforted his favorite human. Taehyung slowly look at his cat as he scoop and cradle him

"Oh sundance, that was the worst dream ever" He whispered softly as he tear up again. As if he was understood by his cat, the cat free his self out of his embrace, as he went to Taehyung's desk where a picture frame of him and his boyfriend was displayed

"You want me to go Jiminie?"


Taehyung smiled as he stood up from his comfort zone and went to hug his cat

"Let's go together sundance"



Taehyung didn't waste time, as he pack a bit of clothes in his back, settled his cat in his cage, making sure to cover it enough to radiate him some warm and air to breath. Taehyung also wear a very comfortable clothes and a winter jacket to fight the coldness in the morning. it was snowing hard outside but that didn't stop Taehyung from going to where his Jiminie is.

Jimin is currently settling in the city next to Taehyung an hour distance travel away from him. And it's been 6 months already since he last saw him. Jimin and him followed their dreams after they graduated from high-school. Jimin is currently enrolled in a most prestigious dance school, while Taehyung was enrolled in an art school, which he love the most.

At first the two were scared. Scared of being forgotten by one another. Scared of the growing distance between them. Scared that the love they have for each other might fade away. But, love still wins. They love each other too deeply to let go. So, instead of breaking off their relationship before they enter college, they decided to try their best in a long distance relationship. Finding time for each other when one has no schedule. They most likely video call each other until they fall asleep, call each other to hear the voices they've been longing to hear or messaging each other from time to time. They've been in Long Distance Relationship for 2 years, and they've been together for 5 years already.


Taehyung waited for the bus to come. Hoping there will be one, cause who would drive a bus at 2:20am with this kind of weather.

"Sundance, do you think a bus will be available today? Should we just go back?" Taehyung started to worry. After that nightmare, all he wanted to do is to see Jimin. Since Jimin was involved in his nightmare. Tears started to form in his eyes again.

"Meow" His cat replied as if he was understood again, reassuring him. Sundance is smart despite of being a cat. Taehyung had seen him being intelligent many times. He knows whenever Taehyung is sad and lonely. He knows where to pee or take shit. Sometimes, He meows to him as if he was talking to Taehyung. He knows when a person is good or bad. He knows whenever Jimin could visit him. He would stay at the door for hours as if he was waiting for Jimin, and indeed Jimin would suddenly appear.

Jimin gifted him sundance before they part from each other. So Taehyung can't feel loneliness.

And just like that a miracle happened. A bus came and Taehyung didn't waste time as he entered settling in and awaits for his arrival at Jimin's apartment without him knowing.


Jimin on the other hand was wide awake. He couldn't sleep after he woke up at 2am and its already 3:15am when he realized his been spacing out thinking of his boyfriend that's miles away from him. He opened his phone, as he went to his gallery looking at him and his beloved Taehyungie's picture.

Its been 6 months since he went to see him. Their school had a one week off at that time, and instead of going back home to his family. He went straight to his Taehyung, spending his week with him catching up. And that was the last time, he couldn't visit him because of so much things to do at their dance school.

They can only settle for a video call or phone call for the past months. Jimin didn't show much, but he miss the younger so badly. He miss everything about him. But Jimin couldn't tell him. He didn't want to see Taehyung crying in the screen if he would open up his feeling of missing him. So, whenever their video call ended, he would cry in silence missing him. Just like now, a tear slips past his cheeks as he look at their pictures together. And how he wish his Taehyung was here next to him.


Taehyung arrived at the bus stopped. He immediately walked to Jimin's apartment, since its just a 5 minutes walking distance from the bus stop. He wanted to run immediately to Jimin's arms but sundance is with him. He didn't want the cat to starlted. His tears are falling one by one again as he remembered his nightmare.

Finally, he reached Jimin's apartment. Immediately ringing the doorbell hoping his Jiminie is wide awake.

Seconds later, he heard a shuffling from behind and the door creaking open. In there, stood Jimin in dishevelled looks, his puffy eyes wide open surprise that the person his been thinking all night is right in front of him.

Taehyung didn't waste any second as he jump iton his Jiminie's arm finally releasing the cries his been suppressing. Jimin hug him tight and asked as to why his beloved Taehyung is crying. Taehyung told him about the nightmare he had and how he had felt as if it was real, when he saw Jimin's body unresponsive on the ground. Taehyung couldn't take his nightmare as he wanted to see the older, but this time not just on the screen of their phones. Taehyung also told Jimin, how sundance their cat suggested to visit Jimin at this hour. It was odd that a cat knows how much he needed Jimin but then again they knew how smart there cat was.

Jimin whispered sweet nothings on his beloved ears while still hugging him not planning of letting go. Assuring the younger, that those were just in dreams and that Jimin won't let it happen. He carried the younger inside his apartment towards his bedroom laying him in bed and as he settled next to him, not forgetting the bag Taehyung have and their cat.

Jimin was thankful to sundance, and that he never leave Taehyung alone and he made Taehyung feel less lonely. He was glad to give sundance to Taehyung as a gift when they parted ways to pursue college. In hopes that the cat will make Taehyung happy even in small ways, and he did.

"I love you Tae" Jimin whispered, happy to be in his beloves arms in the least expected way. Taehyung visiting him at this hour was really unexpected. Seeing the younger again after 6 months is unexpected. And Jimin love this unexpected kind of moments. At least he'll be sleeping with Taehyung in his arms.

"I love you too Jiminie" Taehyung replied back sighing in relief knowing that his nightmare won't visit him again, for his boyfriend Jimin is right beside him. He was thankful for sundance suggestion. Sundance is his blessing in disguise

"Thank you sundance" Both of them said in unison, as they looked at each other surprise and giggles erupted in their lips while they receive a meowing from their sundance.


Hello hello dearest🤗 I know I ended VMin Oneshot a week ago, but I still have 3 remaining stories, so I might as well, publish it🤭❣️ this full of fluff🤭

I'm dedicating this to my lovely reader and supporter Kadilunse
Thank you so much as always lovelots🤭🥺✨

Anyways guys, take care of yourselves and don't get sick🤗 stay-tuned for the remaining 2 stories ciao❣️😉


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