Strawberry Kisses

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The first person who stole Taehyung's first kiss is no other than his best friend Park Jimin, and he was eating strawberries at that time

*How does it taste Tae?*
*It taste really good its so sweet Min. Here try some*

Taehyung handed his best friend a piece of strawberry, while he currently chews one. He was a bit confuse when Jimin shooked his head, not wanting to taste the fruit he offered, but wanted the ones on his mouth

*I want that one*

Jimin use his pointer finger to point on Taehyung's lips, and Taehyung was puzzled

*E-Eh? But I already chewed on it Min*

*I still want it*

And without hesitation, Jimin crashes his plump lips on Taehyung's. And the younger was stunned. A few minutes later, he nibbled Taehyung's lower lips, attempting to make the younger open his mouth, with few more bites, Jimin successful made Taehyung open his mouth slightly with a moan, and Jimin slip his tongue unto Taehyung's mouth.

The kiss was one sided, Jimin was the only one working while Taehyung was still stunned. He's mind was blank and the only thing that comes to his mind is that Jimin was kissing him, with tongue involved

Savoring every part of Taehyung mouth, Jimin finally takes the strawberry Taehyung had chewed and let's go from the kiss. He looked at the younger who was gasping for air, and a smirk appeared on his lips, that's even more redder than before

*Jimin?! What was that all about?!*

After, a bit of recovery Taehyung finally gained his composure

*A kiss Tae. Well, mainly because I wanted to eat the strawberry that you chewed*


*It's just a kiss don't over react. Plus you're lucky I'm your first. It taste sweeter than the strawberry you're currently eating. Thanks for the food*

Jimin said as he lick his lips and looked straightly at Taehyung's eyes without batting. And Taehyung doesn't know how to react

He hated the fact that Jimin stole his first kiss, but partly he was relief that it was him and not others. But he was really saving it for the person he will truly love someday, so he was disappointed.

After that incident, everything changes between them. After that first kiss, it was followed by many more. But Taehyung didn't mind too much about it unlike before. He was already used to Jimin kissing him more often. But they were still best friend and would hang-out every now and then.


In time, Jimin had a circle of friends. The people whom he goes with in parties and drinks on bars or when they wanted to stroll around the city
But, he always find time for Taehyung. the younger was his priority after all.

Taehyung, also had a circle of friends, but a bit different from Jimin's. They take school seriously, but they also have fun times, whenever they want too

"Say Tae. I just wanna ask. Are you in a relationship with Jimin?" Seokjin, Taehyung's friend asked out of nowhere.  They are staying at Taehyung's house for a sleep over

"We are not hyung"

"B-But, we saw you kissing Jimin" Hoseok, another one of Taehyung's friend said

"W-well, yeah. it's a bit complicated, but to make the story short. It became like a hobby of ours"

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