Love And Hate

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Jimin was pulled out from his day dream state, when his best friend Hoseok shooked him too hard

"Jimin!? You've been staring at Kim Taehyung for too long!? Looked at him! He's staring back at you with disgust in his face!?" Hoseok whispered shouted upon seeing the scenario

After hearing Hoseok's words he finally realized that indeed he was staring at Taehyung and the younger is looking at him with disgust. Jimin confidently gave Taehyung a wink, but the other just scoff and rolled his eyes looking away

Jimin knows, well actually, everyone knows how Kim Taehyung hated Park Jimin to the bone. However, it's the opposite for Jimin. He's in love with him and his never afraid to show it to the younger. In fact, a year ago he confess to him in front of everyone. Obviously he got rejected, but Jimin didn't stopped there. Every single day, he would court Taehyung even if the younger push him away million times. People called him stalker and other mean words but that didn't affect him.

He is seriously in love with Taehyung. And seriously want to be his. If Taehyung would permit him that is....

Jimin is not bad looking. He even have fans and both boys and girls are dying to be owned by him. But of course, he only want to be owned by the one and only Kim Taehyung.

By the way, the reason Taehyung hated him it's mainly because most of the time, Jimin's presence is the reason why the school would be so noisy, and Taehyung is not fond of noise. While the other thing is, Jimin's fans would constantly harass him for taking away the older's attention, which is obviously not his fault, because he didn't even seduce Jimin in the first place.


It was the end of class when Taehyung as usual decided to go home immediately, but as per usual to his dismay Jimin is already waiting for him by the gates.

Jimin would always walked Taehyung to his home. At first the younger would push him away but the older was too persistent, so eventually Taehyung gave up.

"I see you staring at me during lunch break" Jimin immediately teased the younger upon reaching him

"Are you an idiot? It was you staring at me first"
"Oh! You didn't deny you were staring back at me!"
"Park Jimin don't even start"
"Alright my angel"
"And don't call me that?!"
"What? Can't I call you my angel?"
"Argh. Do what you want"
"With pleasure"

The boys starts to walk their way home. Jimin would always take the side were the cars passes.
Jimin wasn't looking at his path. He was so mesmerised by Taehyung again, that he would always looked at him without batting his eyes.

"Jimin looked ahead or you'll hit yourself. And for goodness sake stop staring at me"
Jimin didn't respond instead he continued admiring the younger. But then he was startled when the youngers eyes widden, and the next thing he knew Taehyung was already holding him in his arms.

"Jimin!? I told you to looked ahead! You almost got hit by that stupid car who never follows the path way!"

Jimin couldn't say a thing. There goes his heart accelerating again without a care in the world. This is why he is in love with the younger. Taehyung is too kind for the world that he would help anyone without asking anything in return. As he observes Taehyung through time, he realized how much the younger helps around, even with the smallest gesture.

Just liked when he saw the younger helping an old lady with her groceries. Or the time, when he caught him feeding a stray cat and Jimin decided to keep it without Taehyung knowing. Another thing is when a girl from the other class almost fell from the stairs and Taehyung immediately caught her.
And even the times when he walked him home. Taehyung would constantly remind him to pay attention on his path.

Especially that one time when he was made fun of by almost everyone in their school after Taehyung rejected him. He just listened behind the corridors as the student would talked behind his back non-stop, and yet Taehyung came in the picture, making everyone stop, as he told them to never talked bad things about him.


"Aren't you're words too much?" the younger said, it was obvious from his voice his a bit irritated
"Jimin doesn't deserve to be treated badly. He only confess, why would everyone make fun of him and talked behind his back? At least he was courageous. It takes courage to tell someone he feels. So can you all stop this stupidity"


"Are you even listening to me?!"

Jimin didn't notice Taehyung was scolding him non-stop

"I can't believe I was talking here and you didn't even listened to every word I say" Taehyung was disappointed

Panic arouse from Jimin when he heard Taehyung said those words as he immediately hug the younger

"I'm sorry Tae. I promise to pay attention. I'm sorry" They may Love and Hate each other, but Taehyung didn't mind Jimin calling him by his nickname.

The younger didn't say any word, as he responded with a hmm. Although he hated the older. Taehyung still cares for him.

"I love you"
"I know. It's too obvious"

Jimin just chuckled as he heard the younger's response. He may be kind but his a bit savage

"Come on. Let's go home"
"When will you tell me you love me back?"
"Jimin not again"
"I know you love me back"
"Says who?"
"You're heart. I heard its beating. It was faster like mine"
"Just shut up" Taehyung immediately run away from him

"Yah! Kim Taehyung! Wait up!" Jimin shouted as he run towards Taehyung his smiles never fade away



Valentines is around the corner guys. You deserve all the love in the world. Even if it's self love🌷💜 Take care of yourselves✨


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