Secret Kisses

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It's was during the fourth year of highschool Kim Taehyung got his first kiss. His first kiss was not taken by a girl but by a boy from his class and his name was Park Jimin.

At the very first start of the school year as a senior, Taehyung was so nervous. He didn't know anyone as he was a transferee during that time.

The only person who was willing to talked to him, was their class president Park Jimin.

However, things eventually change, when their teachers had given them a requirement in their art and performance class. They were assigned by group to create a film that would be shown by the end of the semester, which made Taehyung and Jimin became group mates.

And so every after class their group would eventually meet up by the gates, and would go to Jimin's House (which is almost like a palace and not a typical house) to film.

During the course of filming, Taehyung and Jimin grew fond of each other and are very much close.
The two became friends and would hang out from time to time.


It was during Friday night, when Taehyung and the rest of their group had finished some parts of their film. Jimin lead the group by their house gate to bid them farewell.

Taehyung, on the other hand was walking slowly and wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings as he was looking straight up to the sky, and was mesmerised by stars that shines brightly that very night.
Taehyung really love the stars and he is fond of astronomy.

Jimin, notices Taehyung being left behind by their other group mates, so he went to him and walked with him in a slow pace looking at the younger whose eyes was still fixated towards the night sky.

"Isn't the sky so pretty at night?" Taehyung said to Jimin while he was still looking up.

"It does" Jimin replied, still looking at Taehyung

"Jimin look at that constellation. It's called orion" Taehyung said as he point out the constellation for Jimin to see. However, his attention was called back when Jimin suddenly call his name.

"Can I kiss you?"

Taehyung's eyes widden as his gaze was suddenly tore away from the stars, and he eventually looked at Jimin who was really much serious. Taehyung knew Jimin wasn't joking when he was asked by him.

And without delayed, Jimin eventually lean unto him giving him a sweet smack kiss on his lips.

Taehyung was dumbfounded. But for some reason, he didn't dislike the kiss.

Jimin saw his reactions, as the butterfly in his stomach starts dancing. Jimin knew his kiss wasn't rejected by Taehyung. So, he grab him by his hand and lead him back to where their group mates is.


Taehyung couldn't sleep that night. He was touching his lips and remembering how soft Jimin's lips on his. It was like something is tickling him in the stomach. However, Taehyung finally thought, that maybe it was just at that moment Jimin wanted to kiss him, and it will never happened, so he didn't dwell too much on it and decided to sleep.

But oh he was totally wrong. The very next day, Jimin would find ways, just to steal a few kisses from Taehyung. And the younger would just let him be.

Taehyung never respond the kiss back to Jimin, however the older didn't mind it. He would constantly give Taehyung a kiss in secrecy.

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