Daze Off

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Jimin was taken a back when Hoseok nudge him. He forgot he was taking orders from this good looking guy. He didn't notice he was staring at him for almost a minute

"I-I'm sorry sir for dazing off! Can you repeat your order sir? please?" Jimin stuttered as the guy giggled and repeated his order

"Large strawberry milkshake and some blueberry muffins please" the guy said politely to which made Jimin surprised.
Usually his customers would already make a scene for making them repeat their orders and would demand to see their manager because their workers are dazing off or something.
And its Jimin first time to be not scolded by one of their customer.

"Large strawberry milkshake and blueberry muffins got it Sir. Feel free to sit which ever place you're comfortable with. We'll be serving your order after 15 minutes. Thank you sir!"

"Thank you very much" the guy replied as he went to his usual favorite place in the cafe...

"Good thing it's sir Taehyung. He is a regular customer in this café. Seokjin-hyung knows him. He is the most kindest human being I know. He never scolds anyone whenever we make mistakes" Hoseok whispered as they stared at the guy who just ordered.

"Yeah. I'm glad his nice"

Damn. I'm sure he caught me staring at him. He probably thinks I'm a creep! Stupid Jimin!

"And good looking too!" Hoseok giggled as he patted Jimin's back and went inside the kitchen.


After 15 minutes, Jimin went to Taehyung's table to serve his food. In all honesty, Jimin didn't know why he was feeling nervous.

"Sir? Here's your order"
"Oh! My, why Thank you Jimin-si" Taehyung said as he looked at Jimin's tag name

Even his voice is so angelic. Did he come down from heaven?!

Jimin was taken a back again, when he heard Taehyung chuckled

"Did you daze off again?"
"O-Oh I-I'm sorry sir. I'm always like this" Jimin said truthfully
"It's okay. Thank you again" Taehyung smiled, as Jimin bow his head and went back to the counter.

The whole time he was staring at him. He was glad there aren't much people, because they would really think of him as a creep for staring at Taehyung.

"He's gonna melt Jiminie" Jimin flinched when he heard Seokjin's voice
"Yah! Hyung! You scared me!"
"You like him? I'll introduce him to you"
"What? I'm only helping. You don't like him? Then, I'm introducing him to other people I know"
"N-no don't Hyung"
"No you don't like him or No you don't want him to be introduced to others? Which is which? Come on! Use words Jimin"
"I-I like him Hyung. D-don't introduce him to others"
"Okay good! Taehyungie!" Seokjin suddenly called the guy as Jimin's eyes widden
Taehyung didn't waste any time as he rose from his seat and went to Seokjin while smiling
"Hi! Hyung"
"Taehyungie, sorry for disturbing you but I just want to introduce to you our new worker. He barely started so he doesn't know you are a regular customer here. Plus he is a friend of mine. This is Park Jimin. Park Jimin this is Kim Taehyung my childhood friend"

"P-Park Jimin sir"
"Kim Taehyung. You can call me Taehyung" Taehyung said as he held a hand and offered Jimin a handshake, to which Jimin held back

And boy oh boy even his hand is soft, Jimin thought.

"That's explain why its my first time seeing his face." Taehyung said to Seokjin after Jimin and him handshake

"Yep. Also, he is a bit older than you for only two months but even so, he too is still your hyung"
"My! What a coincidence. Then, I shall be calling you Jimin-hyung?"
"I-if that's comfortable for you"
Taehyung nodded as he gave Jimin a smile.
"Well then, I must continue eating. Seokjin-hyung, Jimin" He said as he bowed and walked back to his seat

"He's too far to reach hyung"
"Nonsense! He needs a guy like you. Win his heart!"
Suddenly they were interrupted when a guy Seokjin hated came to the café and immediately run towards Taehyung

"Tsk! That motherfucker"
"Whose he hyung?"
"A fly. That's Sejin. He likes Taehyung but I don't like him. He is a flirt and only wants to get into Taehyung's pants. So you have to win Taehyung's heart before that fly can!"

That Sejin guy sure is a bother. He keeps on touching Taehyung from weird places. Obviously, Taehyung is getting uncomfortable.

Jimin immediately walked towards Taehyung seat


"Who the fuck are you?" Sejin glared at Jimin

"Sejin that's disrespectful. I'm sorry hyung for his behavior"

"So? What? His a worker here, customers are way more respectable"

"Shut up. He is way more respectable than what you're currently showing" Taehyung said which made both of the guy shocked. Its probably his first time to be annoyed. Usually he just ignored Sejin's behavior , but today his different

"Just go. Your disturbing me"

Sejin didn't waste a time as he walked out of the café obviously he was pissed

"I'm really sorry hyung"
"Don't be Tae. I saw he was bothering you so I wanted to help. It turns out it's you who help me. Thank you" Jimin said as he scratched the back of his neck

"U-um as a thank you c-can I take you out on a d-date I-I mean d-dinner" Jimin is now blushing, he curse his slip of tongue for saying a date instead a dinner.

"I would love too hyung" Jimin was beyond happy he didn't expected Taehyung to say yes.

"Really?! I mean o-okay my shift will end at 8pm. I'll see you later"

"Then, I'll wait for you hyung"

Jimin and Taehyung's meeting was so sudden
Their dinner date was so sudden
Everything that happened was sudden

But surely both of them will take their time knowing each other one way or around, as something blossomed in their hearts the moment Jimin daze off seeing Taehyung


And there you have it! I, too daze off. Anyways highways that was a sudden story. I leave the rest of the story to your imaginations💚 stay tuned for the next🤗💚


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