8 Letters And 3 More

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"Park Jimin, I've been in love with you since the start of the school year. Please go out with me"

Jimin is currently being confess by someone from the other class

"I'm grateful for your feelings. But I'm sorry I can't reciprocate it. There's someone I'm in love with."

After the confession, the person left Jimin as he sighed, he's popular that's a given and many confess to him already but Jimin wasn't longing for anyone except for that one person who stole his heart.

Kim Taehyung, the school nerd. He fell inlove  for him at first sight. It sounded clichéd, and Jimin didn't believe love at first sight not until he saw Taehyung during spring the start of their semester.

He found out Taehyung was majoring in arts, always goes to the library burying his self under those big books, he sometimes goes to a book shop and buy books that interest him, he loves going to museums and watches different arts for hours, he loves sweet things, he adored strawberries and loves to hang out with his best friends Kim Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook.

How come he knows these details about the said boy you asked? He's definitely not a stalker but everytime Taehyung is around the area, coincidentally Jimin is also around that area. So no, his not a stalker. It's like the universe wants them to meet for some reason

Also his best friend Min Yoongi is Taehyung's classmate. Yoongi is aware of Jimin's feelings for Taehyung so, basically Yoongi always tell Jimin about what Taehyung do during their class.

Jimin's other best friends too, Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon knows about it as well, and would most of the time encourage Jimin to make a move on Taehyung, but the latter just refused afraid of what might happened after

After being confess, he went back to their classroom sitting on his seat, as he look by the window watching students passing by until his eyes saw him.

Jimin's heart immediately clenched as it beats faster, his eyes never leaving the younger, but soon that shattered when he saw someone, not just someone but a classmate of his Eujin approached Taehyung with a small flower behind his back.

He also notice for the passed few weeks the two are often seen together, making Jimin feel restless

"We told you to approached him" Jimin jolted upon hearing two voices from behind. It was his best friends Hoseok and Namjoon, while Yoongi was behind them clicking his tounge upon seeing Taehyung with another guy

"You slowpoke" Yoongi added... Making Jimin looked back at the two from afar whose currently talking and smiling at each other. Jimin felt tears almost falling from his eyes.

The three immediately panic upon seeing their friend's state.

"How can I go near him? Even just a few feet apart from him would make my knees weak" Jimin sadly said, as his tears began to fall one by one.

"T-Taehyung doesn't e-even know I e-exist. A-and everytime I'm near him, I ended up stumbling and stuttering. I'm so clumsy in front of him. I even got knocked out one time when I accidentally hit a post because I was looking at him. It was so embarrassing and uncool"

Jimin sadly stating the truth, making his friends looked at each other sadden to see Jimin's failing love.


Jimin wasn't in the mood for the whole day. He didn't even looked at his surroundings, he was just keep on looking at the ground, sighing from time to time. Even his heart is not helping him, throbbing hurtly every now and then, as he remembered the scene in the morning.

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