Rain Drops

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Taehyung was slipping into his comfort zone as the sound of rain drops lull him into his slumber state

Taehyung sighed happily eyes close knowing that he don't have to wake up early to go to the university tomorrow, since it's just the start of their semester break.

It was a good thing he didn't went to the party his Seokjin-hyung hosted this very night. He excuse his self as he was not slightly, just slightly not feeling well, and his friends agreed to him, well, except for one person naming Jimin, who also requested and volunteer to not go so he could watch over Taehyung.

However Taehyung had plans to be alone this very night. Its not like he dislike Jimin's company, its just that, Jimin is always sticking up to him, and Taehyung is worried about his friend social life. Jimin never socialize  with others except for their group of friends and Taehyung. But the younger, wanted Jimin to explore his surroundings, to be free in expressing his self and surround his self with other people.

Jimin was obviously disheartened about Taehyung's request for him to attend Seokjin-hyung's party. In all honesty, Jimin would rather stay at Taehyung's side rather than to socialize with others. But it was obvious that Taehyung wanted to be alone, so didn't push it and only agree to some extent.


Its been hours since then and currently Taehyung is almost entering his dreamland, when suddenly his phone ring. Taehyung sighed heavily of the thought he had forgotten to set his phone in silent mode.

"I should ignore it" He thought

And after a few rings it stopped

Taehyung smile a bit in content, but then the phone ring again

He had no choice but to pick his phone up, and saw Jimin's name

"Min? Is something wrong?"




"Did you dialed me accidentally? I should hang up then"


Taehyung knew Jimin was not happy, more on his voice sound so sad and hurting, and a bit angry.

"Yes Min? What's the matter?"

*Y-You, Y-you h-hate being around me don't you?*

"Oh Min why would you think that? Of course not"

*Y-You didn't want me to stay with you!*

"It's not like that Min. Look, I did that so you can socialize and meet up new people"

*I-Isn't that the same as discarding me?*

Taehyung could hear Jimin's sobbing. Taehyung cooed at his cuteness but at the same time he felt bad for making Jimin think that way or making him cry

"I'm not discarding you Min. I promise. You know when I say promise right?"

*Hmm* Jimin agreed nodding his head as if Taehyung could see him

"How's the party so far?" Taehyung continued to ask

*Boring, without you here, it's not fun. I'd rather be with you than stay here*

" Awww*giggles* And, where is Seokjin-hyung?"

*Somewhere, they disappeared suddenly*

"Are you alone then?"

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