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It was night time and Jimin is currently laying on Taehyung's bed as he decided to spend the night with the younger. There's no school the next day and yet the other was still busy doing their homework which is supposed to due on Monday.

Jimin, on the other hand was just scrolling through his social media accounts sometimes would laugh at the memes he would see on his home page and would write comments about his other friends post.

After years of secretly being inlove with each other, they finally confess their feelings 2 months ago and became an official couple to which only their families and closes friends knew.

The whole school still doesn't know their relationship which is why most of the times it would lead to jealousy as Taehyung would be confess by lots of boys, and Jimin would be hovered by lots of girls. Both of them are popular for being good-looking and smart at the same time. Jimin is much more sporty than Taehyung as Taehyung is much more artistic than Jimin. The two of them are quiet the opposite but they have a lot in common, and believe it or not they both love each other to the core.

Jimin was getting bored scrolling through his social media, as he decided to open Taehyung's IG. The two have no secrets in between, so they know each others social media accounts and passwords.

Upon opening Taehyung's IG, Jimin's face immediately pouted the moment he saw there's a lot of message in Taehyung inbox. He read each one of it, as his face began to looked sour even more. Jealousy was once again rising and he can't stop pouting sighing. But as soon as he saw that one particular message, to which he always saw whenever he opens Taehyung's IG, he groan, mentally cursing this one male who never stopped professing his love to Taehyung everytime.

Taehyung on the other hand, heard his sighing and loud groan as he tore his gaze away from his notebooks and looked back at Jimin.

"Is something the matter Love?" Taehyung asked, calling Jimin by his endearment lovingly

"Argggh Love can't you let him stopped?" Jimin groan again, as he suddenly sat up from the bed

"Who are you referring to my Love?" Taehyung asked again, this time one of his eyebrow raise in curiosity

"This Luhan guy! He always always always keep on professing his love for you, it's making me pissed off!?" Jimin pouted his eyebrows are narrowing as he is still looking at his phone screen

Taehyung sighed, and smiled as his boyfriend starts being jealous again. Jimin saw his smile as his face became even more crooked than before

"Why are you smiling? I'm not happy about it" Jimin pouted as he suddenly stood up from the bed and went straight to Taehyung sit on his lap and hugging him tightly.

"Its because of your face silly. Looked at you." Taehyung said as he let go from the hug and cup Jimin's pouting face

"I'm just jealous Love. You know me" Jimin reminded him.

"I know I know. Tell him we're together so he can finally stopped."

Jimin's eyes lightened as he immediately kissed Taehyung's cheeks, and replied to the Luhan guy with a smug on his face.

"His mine" Jimin said as he was typing the words and sending it away. After he closed the app and put his phone away, he hug Taehyung tightly while Taehyung's other hand caressing Jimin's back and the other hand was writing on his notes. Jimin sighed in relief knowing that Luhan guy won't chat Taehyung again.

"Oh, Love be prepared on Monday" Taehyung said as he remembered something he did a while ago in school, as he was still writing his notes. Jimin on the other hand let go from the hug and looked at his boyfriend

"What do you mean Love?" He asked Taehyung as he run his fingers through Taehyung's hair, while the younger stopped writing and looked back at his boyfriend as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Remember Irene?" Taehyung said as Jimin nodded. Irene is one of Jimin's eternal fan girl to which Taehyung would always always gets jealous with because of her constant confession towards Jimin and attempts to make him fall in love to her

"Well, Yeah. I-I accidentally told her that you're mine. So probably by Monday, everyone will know about us" Taehyung said, still scratching the back of his neck.

Jimin blink for a few seconds after that he laugh loudly hearing what Taehyung did when he was away. Taehyung on the other hand was blushing hard as he slowly hide his face between his palms

"My Taehyungiee got jealous didn't he~~" Jimin cooed at Taehyung's cuteness, as he took Taehyung's hand away from his face and showered him kisses. Taehyung just giggled from the soft touch of his boyfriend. After showering him with kisses, Jimin immediately pecked on Taehyung's lips

"Don't worry Love, I was born ready" Jimin smiled as Taehyung chuckled gently

"I know you are" Taehyung said, as he smiled lovely

"Well, that's what I want the most, for everyone to know that you're mine" Jimin said as he smirked and he earned a small slap from Taehyung on his biceps

"Your colors are showing love" Taehyung reminded Jimin's nature of constantly being prideful and over confident

"But you love me though~" Jimin teased as Taehyung giggled

"Yes, I do" Taehyung replied with a smile on his face

"And I do too~" Jimin said as he lean closer to Taehyung and closing the gap between them, to which Taehyung kissed him back passionately.

The night ended up with full of love just because both of them got jealous for a reason...



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