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Kim Taehyung hated Park Jimin to the bone. You may ask why? It's because, he hated Jimin's guts plus the fact that Jimin is their school's heart-throb. And not only that, they were neighbors.

And Taehyung hated the idea of Jimin being his neighbor, because one, Jimin would always play loud music whenever Taehyung tries to study. Two, Jimin would constantly flirt with him through the window, since his room and Jimin's room are almost close. Three, Jimin always crashes his room without a notice. Fourth, Jimin would constantly tease him to the core about random things, like Taehyung's nerdness, like the romance books he reads, the clothes he wear, his favorite music collection of 80's and 90's, and the idea of how Taehyung wants to fall in love. Jimin ridiculed him from wanting a love at first sight scenario. And lastly, the fact that Jimin would go into his wardrobe borrowing his hoodies and never returning it back.

Well, to be exact Taehyung and Jimin are Frenemies. Friends and Enemies at the same time. Taehyung wish really hard to get away from him. He thought, he would be free from Jimin's line of sight once they graduated senior high, but sad to say, he heard Jimin also applied at the University Taehyung applied. And its almost in a few weeks before they graduate. They just finished their exams a week ago, and the only thing they do now is go to school to practice their graduation ceremony.

Today is their rest day, so Taehyung stayed at home for the whole day, reading a few of his romance books, since it was peace in quiet today. Jimin went out with his friends, so Taehyung wasn't bothered by him this very day. But the fact that he knows his not there, it's because Jimin came rushing to his room rummaging his wardrobe for another stolen hoodie, stripping right in front of Taehyung, which made Taehyung scream, while covering his eyes and Jimin giving him a teasing smile after, he kissed Taehyung's cheeks and went out laughing as he heard Taehyung's different curses.

Taehyung has been reading for hours already, and sleep is visiting him. Yawning with all his might, he close his book and settled in his bed to sleep while hugging a pillow.

It was night time when Taehyung woke up from his numbing arm. As soon as he opened his eyes he almost scream again upon seeing someone sleeping in his arms. But then he realized it was only Jimin and he sighed in relief. He thought it was a pervert for a second.

His pillow was tossed aside and Jimin became his pillow. He sigh again, as he slowly remove his numbing arm.

How come his early? Taehyung thought

Usually Jimin would stay very late when he's out with his friends

"Argh, How come his here again?" Taehyung mumbled, as he finally freed his arm.

Taehyung looked at the time, and to his surprise it already 11pm.

"Oh wow. Did I sleep that long?"

"Indeed you did" Taehyung was surprised when Jimin said, as he looks at him in the eye

"How come you're early?"

"Cause I miss you"

"Oh Dear me, Stop saying words you didn't mean"

"What if I mean it Tae?"

"Oh please stop it Jimin"

"B-But I did miss you!"

"You didn't"

"I really miss you Tae!"

"You're just teasing me"

"I'm serious Tae! Promise!"

"Shut up"

Jimin didn't respond back, he couldn't even see his face because Taehyung's room was dark. Taehyung was confuse, usually Jimin would laugh it off like he always do and would say its a prank, but this time he didn't.

He's probably not in the mood. Taehyung thought to himself

"Is something happened? You're unusually quiet"

Jimin remained silent, so Taehyung sighed and went out of his bed. But as soon as he did, he heard Jimin's sniffles

'Are you kidding me?! Why is he crying?!' Taehyung was even more shock

Although he hated Jimin, he didn't want Jimin to feel bad.

"Are you crying?!"

Jimin's sniffles are even louder than before

"Tell me this is another one of your way of teasing me"

"B-But I did miss you! You don't believe me!"

"Are you drunk?!"

"I'm not drunk Tae! I'm serious!"

"What?!" Jimin sniffles even more and Taehyung sighed in defeat.

"Alright, alright. I believe you. There happy?"

But then, Jimin sniffles much more, to the point he was really really crying.

Is it a big deal to him?! Gosh! Park Jimin is crying just because I didn't believe him.

"You're so mean to me Tae"

"Why am I the mean one now?!"

"Y-You're oblivious! A tough nut! Cold-hearted!"

Taehyung was enrage. How come he is the mean one when in fact Jimin was the one who is usually being mean to him. Oblivious?! TOUGH NUT?! COLD-HEARTED?! Jimin has gone too far, and Taehyung almost retorted back but then, the next words that came from Jimin's shake his world.

"The fact that I always tease you, is to get your attention, the fact that I ridiculed your idea of falling in love, its because it was love at first sight for me too, and the fact that I always come to you, is to see you more often, the fact that I borrowed clothes from you is the only reason for me to have an excuse just to be around you. And the fact that I came home early today, its because I miss you. In fact, I prefer to be with you than to hang around outside, because I would always miss you so bad, that I would end up always sleeping next to you. Can't you see? Tae, I love you. And it's been that way since I first saw you"

"H-how would I know if you tease me so much?" Taehyung mumbled, feeling heat rising up to his cheeks

"Tae look at me please?"

Taehyung hesitated at first but eventually, he compile to Jimin's plea. And there he saw in Jimin's eyes, that one thing he failed to notice. Eyes full of sincerity and love.

"I love you Tae. I know you hate me to the core because I always tease you and play pranks on you, but I promise you I'm serious about my feelings for you. So please give a chance to show you"

Taehyung was dumbfounded. He can't believe what he just heard. He couldn't even speak and his heart has already gone wild


Taehyung exhale deeply as he composed his self, even so, he can't hide the fact that he was blushing from head to toe, and then he look straight into Jimin's  brown eyes

"Alright then, show me what you got Jimin"

Jimin's eyes went wide, and before Taehyung could react, he was already tackled down by Jimin with a hug.

Jimin's eye smile shown the brightest, and it was the very first time Taehyung saw him like that. So instead of scolding Jimin for tackling him, Taehyung ended up giggling, and Jimin swore he would hear Taehyung's giggle more often.


Yes hello! My dearest humans, this is my second update of the month, since tomorrow is Taehyungie's Birthday☺️🎉🎉🎉 Happiest Birthday to Baby Bear🐻🥺 I only wish him the best in life☺️. And also to all my readers out there whose also celebrating their birthdays. Happy Happier Happiest Birthday!🥰🎄🎉

Oh, and also I'm dedicating this story to AlizayHassan8. Thank you very much for always reading my stories and voting. This is for you😊

Thank you also to my readers and voters. You're all the best!🤭🌺

Stay tuned for more guys, cause I'll keep coming back🤭😉. Stay safe and Happy Holidays🎉🎄


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