In This Life Time

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{Year 2022}

Kim Taehyung is happy his mother remarried. After his father died, his mother was too broken. So when he heard from his mother one day about the news of her remarrying. He's so happy for her. Even though, it would mean his gonna be Park Jimin's step-brother. The person he fell in love with since highschool. He chooses his mother's own happiness than his.

And its been almost a year since they all live under the same rooftop. Taehyung tried so hard to forgets his feelings for Jimin by ignoring his existence.

However, the older thought he was just hated by the younger. He didn't have any clue about Taehyung's feelings for him. Not until he heard him talked with his friends over the phone. Jimin was supposed to call him for dinner, but he accidentally heard it.

"I can't possibly forget my feelings for Jimin, Seokjin-hyung. I honestly don't know what to do"

Since then, Jimin avoided Taehyung as much as possible, not because he's didn't like him but because he too, had like Taehyung even before. He was much more devastated when he found out it was Taehyung's mother whom his father fell in love with. And just like Taehyung, he chooses his father's happiness than his own.

He didn't dislike Taehyung's mother. In fact he loves her for taking care of his father and loving him like his own son. Same with Taehyung he didn't dislike Jimin's father, instead his happy that his mother chooses him of all people in the world.

Taehyung is happy to know that Jimin's inner being has been greatly influence by his father.

So, before everything turns to turmoil. Taehyung decided to leave the country for good after applying scholarship to Paris secretly with the help of his Art professor. After he showed everyone his incredible talent in art.

They were having a dinner when Taehyung open up the topic. He decided to finally tell them this very night.

"Mom, Dad, Jimin-hyung. I have something to say"

They all stopped eating as they looked at Taehyung a bit worried.

"What is it son? Tell us" Jimin's father asked in the most gentle voice.

"I applied a Scholarship in Paris. And today, I received an email from them accepting it. I'm pursuing my career in there"

His mother was shock and Jimin's father was over-joyed after hearing the good news. They all cried in happy tears. Except of course Jimin. He was drowning. They all stopped when Jimin stood up from his chair and walked away towards his room without glancing back. Taehyung bit his lips, tears almost falling from his eyes. But he thought it would be best for him to go away.

Their parents notice it. And suggested

"You're Jimin-hyung is probably upset knowing you're going away. How about you talked it out?"

Taehyung nodded and excused himself as he followed Jimin's towards his room, knocking the door.


Taehyung heard no answer, so he decided to open the door which was not locked. He slowly went inside and close it. He looked at Jimin who was sitting beside his bed hiding himself between his knees.

"Jimin-hyung" Taehyung called him softly, as he went near him, crutching in front of him. But he was taken a back when Jimin suddenly hug him tight. He heard loud sobbs, as Taehyung patted his back smiling sadly.

"Don't go Tae"
"I can't Jimin-hyung. I'm doing this for all of us. For Mom and Dad"
"Then, just stay here! I'll go away! I'll rent an apartment and I'll just visit you, Mom and Dad just don't go far away"
"No, you must stay here. Mom and Dad needs you"
"But I need you! You know how much I love you. I love you since we were in highschool. I love you even before your Mom and my Dad had met! I love you first!"
"I love you too Jimin-hyung. But, we must accept things that are now. We can't afford to see Mom and Dad crying again right? We can't afford to see them devastated again. When my mom cried for years when my real dad died. When your dad cried when you're mother left him with you and a divorce paper. We can't let that happen again for their sake. Mom was so happy she meet your Dad. So, Jimin-hyung. I asked you to let us go. Please"

Jimin shooked his head, but soon he understood what Taehyung meant. True. He never seen his Dad so happy now. Taehyung was right. They can't be selfish.

"I-I understand. I understand Tae. I'm letting us go. But just so you know. I'm giving up on you in this life time but not on the next life."

"I know. So do I"

After agreeing, the two decided to give up their feelings for each other, and decided to act as real brothers. A week of spending time, Taehyung leave the country and stayed in Paris for years. He only went back to visit his Mom, Jimin's Dad and Jimin himself, then goes back again.

Taehyung stayed in Paris. His name is well-known to the world even his masterpiece. He stayed happy and died at an old age, without marrying anyone.

Jimin on the other hand remained in Korea. He became a well-known CEO of a modeling agency he created after quitting modeling himself. He stayed happy and died at an early age, without marrying anyone.


{Year 2150}

Jimin woke up from a deep sleep while crying. He remembered every detailed of his dream and he knew too well it was real.

"Jiminie? Hurry up or you're gonna be on your first day in college!" Jimin's mother shouted from the kitchen
"I'm coming Mom!"

After fixing his self up and eating his breakfast. Jimin kiss his mother goodbye and run out towards his school. Good thing there house is just 10 minutes walk from school

As soon as he enter the school gates, Jimin was determined to find that person. Maybe they weren't for each other at that time, but for sure he swore they both will end up with each in this life time.

And just like the heavens heared his prayers. Jimin saw the person he was seeking standing alone in the cherry blossom tree looking at the flowers that falls to the ground.

Jimin didn't hesitate to go near him

"Just as I said to you 128 years ago. I'm letting us go. I already give up on you in the past life time. But just so you know. I'm not giving up on you in this life time. Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung immediately looked up to him after hearing a familiar voice. Tears immediately falls from his eyes the moment he saw Jimin.

"I know. So do I. Park Jimin"



Another update. I hope you like reading it. I doubt I'll update again in this coming week cause I'm lacking of ideas. If you have any thoughts just comment down🌺 I'm still grateful for the reads and votes. Love lots. Until then🌺 Ciao


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