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Its been 6 months since Taehyung and Jimin talked. The two best friend had undergone a huge argument that tore their friendship apart and their other friends are currently having a hard time as the group was separated into two.

Jimin have Hoseok and Jungkook, while Taehyung have Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon. The boys have no problem talking with one another, everyone stayed friends, except Taehyung and Jimin.

The main reason why the two had an argument. It's because Taehyung told Jimin that his boyfriend (Jimin's) was cheating of him. Of course, Jimin being Jimin he didn't believe his best friend instead he stood up for his boyfriend, which made Taehyung brokenhearted, upon seeing how Jimin preferred his boyfriend over him, his best friend since they were little. Although, Taehyung didn't gave up on their friendship but Jimin literal block him out of his life. After months of trying Taehyung eventually had given up.

Day by day Taehyung breaks, and his friends saw it all. Adding the fact that he loves his best friend romantically didn't even help his situation. It was excruciating for Taehyung to see Jimin's on and off relationship since highschool. And now he saw how Jimin is settled with his current, shattered his heart even more.

Taehyung didn't confess as he was afraid their friendship would break, but now his regretting not even telling Jimin how he really feels. If he knew their friendship would break from the start then, he'd rather told Jimin his feelings. But no, it's too late for Taehyung to regret. It's way too late...

He avoid the latter after months of chasing him. He rarely goes out with his friends, even their gatherings he neglected it. Jungkook and Seokjin would visit him during weekends. As Yoongi would stay in his apartment for nights. Hoseok and Namjoon would check him up from time to time. But they never heard Taehyung asked anything regarding about Jimin.

Jimin, of course notice it. How Taehyung would passed by him without looking at him. And oddly enough, it would make his heart ache. How he notice he never attend their get together, but of course its a given, since it would be awkward, but before that, Taehyung would still come even if they don't talked to each other. And without thinking Jimin would accidentally ask his friends if Taehyung asked about him, but to his dismay his friends would shooked their heads, and tell him "He didn't". Their friendship really went down hill and Jimin cursed himself for not listening to Taehyung's plea of hearing him out until Taehyung eventually had give up. Jimin was restless, he didn't understand why his mind is filled with Taehyung most of the times. Is guilt eating him up or something else is blossoming?


It was Friday, and their friends decided to have a get together at Jimin's place. Of course, Taehyung refused again. The others didn't want to force Taehyung so they accepted it, but not Jimin as he stormed towards Taehyung

"At least attend the get together?! Jin-hyung wanted us to be complete?!"

Jimin was mad, but that soon change when, Taehyung just looked at him and without retorting back he just passed by Jimin as if he was nothing but dust

"T-Tae" Jimin's angry face fell. It just took seconds for Taehyung to change Jimin's mood from anger to fear. Fear of being neglected by Taehyung forever. But, Jimin knew it was his fault as to why Taehyung is ignoring him.

"T-Tae!" He shouted again, but the younger just continued walking, this time Jimin was on the verge of crying, tears threatening to fall from his eyes

He didn't like how Taehyung neglected him. It was way different. But then again, he remembered how Taehyung pleaded for him and yet he too had neglected him.

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