Umbrella Incident

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**Jimin's Pov**

It was raining hard, when our class got suspended by the school

Everyone went on their way home, as they brought with them their umbrellas

While me on the other hand being a clumsy one since the beginning, forgot the umbrella I already prepared in the morning at my desk in my room

I guess I'm going home wet today, I thought to myself.

Having no friends to share an umbrella with, hopes than I've been keeping drown along with the rain

I was shaken off my thoughts when I heard laughs from groups of boys walking towards the entrance where I stayed for shelter from the rain

I went to the very side of the entrance just to let them pass through as nervousness tries eating me slowly over the fact that, it was actually Kim Taehyung and his friends.

I've been liking him since the start of this school year semester. He is majoring in Arts while I'm majoring in Dancing

I don't think he likes boys, so I give up on that one fact, besides, he won't notice someone like me, and his way out of my league. He's like an angel that was sent down from the heavens.

And all I could do is only look at him from afar to admire

"Kookie, can you share your umbrella with me?" Taehyung asked his best friend out of nowhere

I smiled a bit after knowing he didn't bring an umbrella just like I did, that was the only thing that connected us, and it made me happy, but luckily for him he has lots of friends to share with, unlike me.

"Sure hyung, but didn't you bring yours hyung?" Jungkook replied confusingly

"Yeah. I did" Taehyung said while waving his umbrella and smiling

So he did? I thouht to myself

But I was stunned, as soon as he went over to me and said

"Park Jimin right? Here you can use mine" Taehyung was standing in front of me giving me his umbrella...

I was in daze for a minute, couldn't believe what just happened, as my eyes were still lock on his.

He then gave me as smile, as he hold my hand and place the umbrella. I couldn't even say a word of thank you since he immediately went back to his friends, being tease by them and leave, looking back at me for the last time, as he wave a small goodbye, mouthing me a word,

"Take Care"...

I felt heat went up from my toes to my face, realizing everything really happened and not just a dream.. I almost squealed and thank the heavens that there isn't anyone here seeing me like this as I turned bright red...

"Jimin you idiot! Why didn't you said thank you!?" I mumbled, a bit disappointed at myself for not saying my thanks to him.

I then, slowly opened, the umbrella, when a piece of paper fell on the ground. I pick it up and realized something was written on it, soon my already red face turned even brighter after reading what was written...

*Dearest, Park Jimin*

*This umbrella is actually meant for you, don't ever return it. Instead could you return my feelings for you? I'll take your answer as a Yes if you call me.*

*Take care*...

*Loving you so deeply,*
*Kim Taehyung*

P. S
Waiting for your call...

**Kim Taehyung's Pov**

I waited for the rain to stopped, I was wondering if he already went home...

Park Jimin is the person who makes my heart flutter since the start of the school semester

But for some reasons, I felt weak on my knees whenever I'm near him, so I didn't dare to approach him...

I went out the classroom for a bit, I was going to get my umbrella in the lockers, when I saw him standing alone in the entrance waiting for the hard rain to stopped. I guess he forgot his umbrella again, he is a bit clumsy. And after some time of observing him I notice that, which makes him cute.

Butterflies in my stomach flutters, as soon as I was in daze looking at him. He is so beautiful and so delicate like a flower. I wonder if I'll ever have a chance on him...

I slowly smiled, as soon as an idea came from my mind. I hurriedly went back to the classroom get a piece of paper, wrote something and put it inside the umbrella.

I then, initiate Kookie and the Hyungs to go home, hoping no one still offered Jimin an umbrella, so I could give mine...

I just finished taking a bath, and sat on my bed, remembering what happened in school. As I held my hand that was able to hold Jimin's hand. It was so soft and small... Even his features are so cute just like his personality...

My heart suddenly beats fast, when I remembered Jimin was supposed to call and say yes, but 2 hours had already passed and he didn't called. I guess he doesn't like me. Or maybe his straight.

The rain even stopped falling from the sky as stars soon, were visible.

I was loosing my hope, when suddenly, my phone ring

Joy rushes through my being, as I answered the call nervously.


*Hi* his voice sound so angelic, a music to my ears

"Is this yes?" I chuckled a bit... But then, he suddenly turn quiet which made me nervous this time for good

"I guess it's a no" I laughed bitterly, as tears were glisten in my eyes

*Could you please looked out on your window for a bit?*

My eyes, suddenly widden, as I hurriedly open my window. There he stood, looking up to me smiling so sweetly

I didn't waste time, as I hurriedly went down stairs out of our house, run towards him and wrapped my arms around him. As he hug me back I could here his soft sobbs and cries.

I let go from the hug, cupped his face with my hands and dried his tears away. As we were both looking in each others eyes lost it thouhts, Jimin slowly connected our lips in a sweet and passionate way, my arms wrapped around his waist and his around my neck as we deepen our kiss every minute.

"I love you" he gently said, as he let go from our kiss, and stared into my eyes with much joy...

"I love you more" I happily said, as I connected our lips again and this time, way more sweeter than the first...


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