Caught Feelings

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"Tae. Let's end this"

Jimin said as he wore the last of his clothing. They had a make out sessions after Jimin showed up in front of Taehyung's House in this snowy night.

Taehyung and Jimin had been friends with benefits since junior high until now in college. But tonight Jimin finally ended things between them

"Hmm" Taehyung can only nod in agreement

'This is a good thing' Taehyung thought

During their make out sessions, he became emotionally and physically attached to the older. In short, he develop feelings for Jimin. And the fact that Jimin would looked for him and find solace as their body becomes one just because Jimin is lonely or his feelings aren't involve makes Taehyung's heart ache to the core

"Finally found someone?" Taehyung asked and Jimin could only respond with a hurt expression

"I see" Taehyung said those words with a small smile. Although this things are currently tearing him apart, he still remained calm

"Its one-sided" Jimin finally responded

Taehyung just stood up from the bed, revealing his naked body as he slowly went to his bathroom, but before closing the door he said something

"Then, you still have a chance to change that. You'll never know" Jimin wanted to say something but he already close the door to his bathroom

Taehyung went for the cold shower despite of the freezing weather. He wanted to feel numb for a moment. After that he then, sink into his warm. bathtub and sigh contentedly

After, almost an hour of staying. He finally went out of his bath tub, turning the lights off and opens the door but to his surprise Jimin was still in his room sitting on his bed with new bedsheets and blanket. He thought the older had already left.

He went to his closet, rummaging through his clothes and find a comfortable clothes to wear. Dressing his self up, as he could see from his peripheral vision Jimin was staring at him intently

"Anything to say?" Taehyung finally ended their silence after he got dress and settled his self next to Jimin.

However Jimin didn't say a word to him, only locking his eyes on Taehyung's floor

"*sighing* Come on let's sleep" Taehyung tug Jimin's wrist and laid him on bed

"So, are you practicing to become a mute?" Taehyung slightly tease after Jimin still didn't say a word


"What? Just asking since you're not saying anything to me"


"You know what let's just sleep. you can't go home anyway tonight since the weather is not so good. Don't worry, I won't touch you. I agreed to stop our fling, we are just sleeping"

Taehyung didn't hear a word from Jimin again.

Taehyung would usually cuddle up with Jimin after their make out but tonight, he didn't. He respected Jimin's boundaries, since the older wanted to stop their relationship thingys. He just roll to the side of his bed and decided to just close his eyes and sleep. One way or another he was exhausted from his session with Jimin earlier and not just that, his heart is even more hurting than his body

A few minutes later he was in dreamland. Dreaming of his self and Jimin walking home together from their junior high school. This was before they still aren't friends with benefits

*Tae, what will you do if I fall for you?*
*I don't know Jimin*
*You won't reciprocate it back?*
*I doubt since we're best friend*
*Do you only see me that way?*
*Yes I do Jimin*
*I see*

Taehyung didn't miss the sad expression that was plastered of Jimin's face after he has been best friendzone by Taehyung

Taehyung woke up from his dream still in same position, his back facing Jimin. He slowly realized it was not a dream but a distant memory he had long forgotten. And Taehyung wish he could change the words he had said to Jimin before, but sadly he can't

He closes his eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep when he heard sniffles behind his back. Jimin was clutching at the lower part of his hoddie.
It was as if Jimin was contemplating whether to touch him or not.

His sniffles can't be heard much, as he muffled his cries on Taehyung's pillow. Taehyung slowly turn to face Jimin acting as if he was still asleep, as he pulled Jimin into his arms

He heard Jimin's breath hitch, and a minute later he sneak his hands into Taehyung's waist, and moving closer and closer to him. Taehyung smiled at Jimin's gesture as he decided to finally sleep again, but then he heard Jimin crying again

This time Taehyung didn't ignore it

"Jimin? Why are you crying?" He said and his voice still sound groggily. Jimin snapped away from his hold and look directly at Taehyung

"Tae" You can hear Jimin's voice had gone croak and Taehyung knew his been crying for a while now

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Taehyung said as he wipe away some of Jimin's tears

"I need to tell you something"

"I'm all ears"

"I wanted us to stop" Taehyung felt his heart shatter but he just brush it off, smiling to the older as he started caressing Jimin's cheeks

"I know. I know. Don't worry. I understand"

"No you don't understand" Jimin protested and grip Taehyung's shoulders, and slowly he place his hands on Taehyung's cheeks

"Then, enlighten me so I'll understand" Taehyung remained understanding until the very end

"I-I wanted us to stop because—"

Taehyung waited as Jimin pause on his words. Taehyung initiated him to continue

"Because, I caught feelings for you Tae. And I want us to be real and not just in this kind of relationship. I fell hard for you Tae, since junior high. I know I'm a bastard for using your body, but just so you know all the things we did are special to me, all of the feelings that are involve are true. I didn't lie to you, not one bit. I hope its the same for you too. I hope—" Jimin was sobbing harder, now that he finally let go of the feelings his been hiding for so long.

Taehyung was dumbfounded, who could have thought that its not just him that fell hard. Both of them are stupid for not realizing one's feelings to the other. Taehyung smiled fondly as he made Jimin looked at him in the eye and gave him a peck on his plump lips

"Then, you're in luck. I feel the same way as you Jimin"

Jimin's eyes widden the moment he heard Taehyung, he immediately hug the younger, not wanting to let go from this moment. He gave Taehyung a deep kiss this time, and lots of pecks in any part of his face. The younger only giggled at Jimin's doing. And Jimin swore to make him laugh for a very long time.

The two settled in each others arms, happy and contented. Their feelings are reciprocated. And there Jimin thought it would be impossible, but here they are now in each other's arms because both of the caught feelings for one another

"Will you be my boyfriend Tae?"

"Yes of course Jimin. Gladly"

Hi Dearest! I don't know what to say at this moment, I still can't believe I reach 17k readers plus 1k votes, it makes me cry😭 Thank you for reading and voting my vmin oneshots everyone🤭❣️let's all virtual hug!🤗😭

Dedicating this story to my recent readers vminlove7
BtDoTs Thank you for reading and voting☺️🎊

Take care as always lovelies!😘❤️


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