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Park Jimin was knew to the city. After having enough savings to rent a new apartment in a new environment he tried exploring it on its own, however with little luck he finally lost his way home.

Jimin was currently sitting in the middle of the town's park. It's been 2 hours since then and he had tried asking for help about the directions to his house but no one ever paid him mind, too afraid that maybe he is one of those what they call scammers so they avoided him at all cost.

Tired and hungry Jimin was on the verge of tears, he didn't brought his wallet nor phone, as he was confident he wouldn't get lost. He blamed his clumsy self for leading him into this mess. So instead he hid his face in between his knees, wishing and praying someone with a golden heart would help him. But then again, instead of a person with golden heart, an old guy was sent to him. Clear as the sky the old man eyes are filled with lust, wanting nothing more but Jimin's body, as he eyed him from head to toe and lick his lower lips that's pale and has cracks.

Before Jimin could react the old man, was already approaching him in a speed, just like how Jimin's heart beated terribly knowing that he was in danger. His body refused to move and his mind was malfunctioning. He couldn't believe that the day he arrived at this place he was gonna be defiled by a random stranger in the middle of the park. This time his tears finally fell from his eyes. He was barely holding it back because he's scared to death and now he finally cried.

"There you are!"

Everything suddenly went to stop when they heard a loud voice. A guy whose almost the same age as him came in view. He was tall, his skin is neither too white nor brown, eyes have the same colors as chocolates, reddest yet beautiful lips, hair as soft as the could. If Jimin could describe this guy he would call him "an ethereal being sent from above"

"Angel" Jimin whispered. He was honestly taken a back by this guy beauty. He even forgot he was scared minutes ago to death. Well, he was not the only one, even the old man stopped on his tracks.

"Babe! I was looking for you everywhere" the guy immediately approached him and hug him tight. Jimin was dumbfounded of course. This beautiful creature called him with an endearment he didn't expect, but then he soon realized his situation. The guy probably wanted to help him from the old man, so he go with the flow and acted like his lover.

"Babe! What took you so long?! I was scared!" Jimin hug back the beautiful guy.

"I'm sorry babe. I had a little errand and I texted and called to tell you but you never replied nor call me back. I was so worried"

The guy let go of the hug and kissed Jimin's forehead. Jimin was in utterly messed of course, he didn't expected that kiss. While the guy looked at the old man and eyed him.

"What do you want from my boyfriend?" the guy said in an lower voice which sends shiver down to Jimin's and the old man spine. And not even seconds passed when the old man run away from them.

Relief washed over the guy's face as he looked at Jimin who was stunned from the scenario they had.

"I'm sorry for touching you. I didn't meant too. I was just doing it to make that man go away. I saw you were scared from afar so I came to help you. You should be careful around here."

"N-no, in fact I'm thankful. Thank you for helping me. I'll will surely repay your kindness" Jimin said as he was taken away from his day dream

"You don't have too. I'm glad you're safe. I better go".The guy gave him a boxy smiled as he touched Jimin's hair delicately and started walking away

"W-wait! I-Umm" Jimin said as he hold the guy's hand


"U-um. I'm new here. And I went out for a walked b-but then I lost my way and I didn't know where street was it"

"Oh. Can you tell me? I'll lead you there. I live nearby, I know all the street"

"Really?! Oh! My! Thank you so much—"

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Just call me Tae"

"Jimin, Park Jimin. Thank you so much Tae! You don't know how grateful I am" Jimin said as he starts to cry again, making Taehyung panic a bit. But then he just pulled Jimin and hug him tight to which made Jimin relaxed.

After an hour of crying, Taehyung finally lead Jimin to his apartment. Surprisingly they are neighbors. Taehyung was the owner of the flower shop next to Jimin's apartment. And the older couldn't help but be glad for knowing Taehyung as his neighbour.

The person whom he just meet. The person who save him. And the person who lead him home when he was lost.



Its been a week guys isn't it? How are you? Anyways just a quick story of VMin. I miss them. I wasn't inspired for the passed days so yeah. Until next time stay tuned🤗


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