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Taehyung was by his window humming his favorite song as he watched the rain fall from the gray sky one by one. It's his second most favorite pass time whenever it rains.

His first most favorite pass time is thinking about a certain gray haired boy whom he cherishes the most. It's none other than his one and only best friend in the whole world, Park Jimin. True they're best friend, however Taehyung developed feelings for Jimin through time. They've known each other since highschool and now they're university students pursuing different careers in life.

Taehyung is a collective and calm type of a person with a caring personality. He never hated anyone, not even Jimin's previous lovers nor his flings. He knows his boundaries, and he never tried stepping passed through it, that explains why he still didn't told Jimin about how he feels for him. He's holding his place as a best friend very well, not letting anyone know about his secrecy, but of course, that goes unseen to the others. His other best friends Jin and Jungkook knows how he really feels towards Park Jimin, but they didn't dare and try to push Taehyung to tell them. They know that one day Taehyung will eventually tell them the truth.

As for Jimin's previous lovers, due to their jealousy towards Taehyung, they would try and break their friendship by creating scenarios and telling Jimin untruthful stories about Taehyung hating Jimin from behind and back-stabbing him, which then leads to sudden break up. Jimin hated anyone who would try and ruin Taehyung to him. He cherishes Taehyung as much as the younger cherish him.

Taehyung was startled when Jimin suddenly appeared by his door soaked in the rain.

"You're reckless as always. Did you really think you won't catched a cold by soaking yourself in the rain?" Taehyung scolded him. And as always, Taehyung immediately grab a towel and gave it to Jimin.

"I looked good in the rain. I can't help it" Jimin said with confidence

"What's the connection between that?!"

"That means I'm handsome either way" Jimin said as he wiggled his eyebrows

"I swear sometimes I don't understand you"

"But you love me though"

"Again what's the connection with that?" Taehyung face-palmed as Jimin giggled
"Anyways, tell me why you are soaking wet when you came? Didn't you have a date with your girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah. We were. I was at her house minutes ago."


"I broke up with her"

"Don't tell me it's about me again?"


"We'll talked about it later, for now go and take a bath. I can't let you catch a cold"

Taehyung immediately held Jimin's hand dragging him towards the bathroom, making the older enter and not forgetting to give him some spare clothes to wear.

Taehyung went back to his position earlier sitting by the window humming his song again, waiting for the gray haired boy to come out from the bathroom, but the sound of the rain lulled Taehyung to his sleepy state, yawning and slowly closing his eyes.

After an hour of showering Jimin finally went out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair with the towel Taehyung gave him and walked towards the youngers bedroom, when he notice Taehyung sleeping by the window. He smiled upon seeing the younger as he slowly tip toe towards him. Jimin's smiles never fade as he watched Taehyung sleeping peaceful. He is too innocent for the world, so he protected this angel all his life. He never let anyone come towards Taehyung, neither bullies nor those people who only wanted to get in Taehyung's pants. He would kill anyone who would dare try and his not kidding.

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